
Nov 22, 2012 23:26

My mother keeps going on about Black Friday sales and I keep thinking... Ma, you remember we're Canadian, right? That's an American thing. Our Thanksgiving was last month. We have Boxing Day instead. Or did you forget?

Seriously. Jesus Christ, the last thing this country needs is more excessive, pointless, ridiculous consumerism. It makes me sick.

...Anyway. Uh. Well, I'm back from Halifax. The trip was awesome, though the flights weren't, naturally. Had a really good time. Seeing Jesse Cook in concert again was so worth it. And I got a lot of writing done, even if it wasn't as much as I had hoped, so all in all it was a pretty productive time.

Though right now, I'm way too exhausted to write about it at all. Guess that'll have to wait

wtf, halifax 2012, life

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