
Nov 05, 2012 19:42

I keep telling myself that I want to meet up with one of my former professors when I go to Nova Scotia - and then I put off emailing him to ask if he'll be around. It's the most ridiculous thing ever. I guess I just worry that he won't want to talk to me, or something, and then there is the fact that I am terrible at conversation... It's a stupid worry, I realize, but that's that. I will get around to sending it, I just, uh. Yeaaaah.

[/kicks his email box]


Anyway. Monday off next week; that'll be nice. And then one day... and after that, vacation. Finally. Never mind that I'm going to spend all of that Wednesday either in airports or in planes; when I do get there, it'll be great.

... Jesus christ, when did it become November. It shouldn't be November. I don't know where the fuck my year went. I feel like I've been wasting a lot of time, but then I realize that no, I didn't, it was just spent at work. UGH.

I have no idea when all these fics that I want to write are going to get written. I really should get better at using what little free time I do have. This is ridiculous.

writing, travel, work, life

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