Same old thing

Sep 21, 2012 11:57

Nothing interesting happening, as usual. Might go downtown with mum if she is feeling well enough. She has been out of the hospital for a while now, but she's still feeling sick... at this point I don't know if it's because of the infection or because of the medication is on. I'm so frustrated with the situation because I can't do much to make it better.

It seems like everything on the internet is annoying me lately, so I think I might take a couple days break from social things and catch up on behind-the-scenes. Indexing. Reading fic. Cutting down on the amount of things on my massive to-read list, both in terms of fanfiction and published books, haa.

Lately I've been simultaneously inspired to study Norwegian more and frustrated by the lack of time to do it. I'm sure if I could work at it for like... even twenty minutes every day, I'd be better with it than I am, but I often don't have time after work in which I have the mental capacity and energy to study anything. That leaves the weekend.

In a half-assed effort to make it more relevant to my everyday life I switched the language settings on my ipod to Norwegian, but I really should find a way to make time for concrete studying, rrrgh.

It certainly doesn't help that Dutch keeps seducing me with sexy rough sounds, mm. And if that Montreal trip does work out after all (who knows), I should brush up on French, shouldn't I - argh, I need to stop being magpieish with languages. And hobbies in general. I don't have time to have so many interests.

Argh, I keep getting ideas for stories, but without time to write them it just does nothing but frustrate me. And then of course there's that long thing that I still have not finished. I think I'm going to print it out and try to do the editing that way. Sometimes it's easier to do it when I can physically mark it all up with red pen, especially if it's kind of long. Easier to take it one page at a time that way.

writing, languages, family, life

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