Oh, fuck.

Sep 01, 2012 11:21

My mother's in the hospital again.

Last night as I was on my way home from work, my brother called me and said that mum was in the emergency room.

Turns out that she has some kind of blood poisoning. I can't remember the technical name for it. What we thought was a bad bruise or some kind of rash turned out to be... well....

Anyway. She came home late last night, but went back this morning, and will be staying there overnight. Good. Probably for the better.

I'm really worried, but there isn't really anything that I can do, aside from stay here and clean the house, I guess. Argh. I hate feeling so useless.

And to top it off, I'm getting a headcold. Wonderful.

I'd originally planned to do a lot of writing today, but I really don't think I can manage that. I think some cleaning, reading, and having a good sulk is in order. And then more cleaning.


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