Fuck, I'm tired.

Aug 02, 2012 21:48

I keep meaning to write about the concert, but I have been go go going since the moment I got back home, and I just haven't had time. I'm so goddamn busy, ugh.

Trip down was uneventful, and then when we got there, it was all RUSH RUSH RUSH interspersed with... waiting around for hours (I.E. getting to the arena waaaayyy ahead of time so that we could get our t-shirts and grab a spot near the door before things got crowded). But oh man, it was worth it.

The Iron Maiden concert was absolutely amazing. Seriously, it's one of the most awesome things I've ever seen. I hadn't looked up ahead of time what Iron Maiden concerts tend to be like, so everything was completely new and unexpected and - well, maybe this sounds cheesy - but it felt almost magical. Seriously, it was awesome. I screamed and sang until I was hoarse, heh. And when Bruce jumped up on stage dressed in uniform and carrying the Union Jack at the intro to The Trooper? Amazing. Completely flipped my shit.

And they played all my favourite songs, except for "Wicker Man" and "Flight of Icarus" - but there's only so much time and hey, Icarus is one of their less popular ones, so all is forgiven.

Anyway. Finally managed to get the first fic for the Nordic Romance out of the way. Some Sweden/Norway with communication fail and such, here. But as I read it over (and as someone pointed out) the text is a bit clunky in parts, so I'll fix that when the other story is done. I just haven't had time to polish everything properly.

Story number two is... coming along. Slowly. Nowhere near fast enough. Fortunately, I have Friday off, and then Monday off as well (provincial holiday!) so with luck, I'll be able to get everything done and posted. [/crosses fingers] Argh, I keep feeling like I should have worked harder, or something. But it's too late to do anything about that now.

Oh gods, this took me ages to write, and I'm exhausted. And I didn't even say anything. I really should go to bed, ah. ;3; Work has been tiring me out so much!

nordic romance fest, iron maiden 2012, fanfic

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