Rage: It's what's for breakfast

May 19, 2012 09:39

Gods damn it, I really need to stop reading the local newspaper.

Just a little rant, sorry )

thoughts, tl;dr, wtf, rage, fort mcmurray

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daughteroffall May 20 2012, 16:55:07 UTC
I agree with you completely. Maybe I don't not come off like that in tumblr, but I'm actually a big favor of a certain amount of socialism. In my opinion, every citizen should get a few basic things - food, a place to live in, a basic medical treatment. If, by any reason, he/she can't get it himself/herself, the government should step in and help this person get that. To me it seems so elementary... I mean, human rights declare the right of every person to live... in order to live you need food, a roof over your head and medical treatment. So yeah, if it means we have to pay more taxes because of that, so be it. We have to do it, as a society. Anyone, anyone could get into a situation like that, even the most capable person might one day get into a situation that he'll need help to get by. Just, I don't know. It's so elementary. Especially food. Food is also the cheapest of it all, what the hell.

And yeah, we are on the same boat here... if I didn't live in my parents house, I don't know what I'd have done. With the money I make now I can hardly afford a room in a rented apartment with three more people and food... :\


yuuago May 20 2012, 17:16:45 UTC
Yeah, you're right. It seems so basic and common sense. Yet, at the same time, I hear people going on about how these things shouldn't be provided, blah blah blah, they should just pull themselves up and get it on their own power (never mind that they CAN'T, and that's the whole problem we're addressing, arrrrgh). Ignorant and selfish attitudes like that make me feel really down.


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