Rage: It's what's for breakfast

May 19, 2012 09:39

Gods damn it, I really need to stop reading the local newspaper.

Just a little rant, sorry )

thoughts, tl;dr, wtf, rage, fort mcmurray

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This is why you should cross the mountains katierox342 May 20 2012, 05:28:54 UTC
Where it's rainy all the time, and apparently everything is socially acceptable. As a prairie girl, I'm STILL getting used to BC three years later.
And after reading your rant I feel the need to go back to my sociology books and write an essay on the stupidity of the human race.
However that would take time and I also feel the need for sleep, so it probably won't happen. Common sense is a lacking element in the gene pool though. I wish I could help more on the dumb newspaper front, but all I can really suggest is perhaps writing a letter to the editor, and see if it gets published?
Or maybe troll them from within the company.
Then again, studies have shown that overexposure to tabloid levels of stupidity...and that's me bullshitting XP But yeah, it would be a dangerous undercover mission if you were to pursue it.
I'm going to go to sleep now and hope that the Harper government hasn't done anything TOO dumb by the time I wake up.



I would! But I can't! Yet! yuuago May 20 2012, 05:51:22 UTC
Sigh. Living here makes me miss Nova Scotia. Sure, there was a bit of ignorance back there too, but nothing like what I encounter here in my home province (especially now that I'm old enough/aware enough to take notice of it). Though I guess it doesn't take much to be less ridiculous than Alberta. :|

Writing a letter to the editor might be worthwhile. I wouldn't be able to put my real name on it (I can't risk it having an effect on my employment - or family life, for that matter) but still... Hmm.

I dunno'. Argh, is it the whole country that's going to shit, or is it just my province? Sometimes I can't even tell.


Re: I would! But I can't! Yet! daughteroffall May 20 2012, 16:32:11 UTC
*butt in ( ... )


Re: I would! But I can't! Yet! yuuago May 20 2012, 17:11:45 UTC
Yeah, maybe you're right. I dunno'. It's definitely worrying.

Though the kind of attitude that I'm talking about is nothing new in my part of the country; it's always been a conservative province. It's just that now that I'm a little older, I notice it more, I think.

Regardless, let's hope that the world doesn't go to hell in a handbasket. Things are tense enough as it is.


Still haven't gotten that far east katierox342 May 22 2012, 14:36:45 UTC
I don't think anyone ever puts their real name on letters to the editor unless they WANT their name to be known. It makes total sense though that you would want to keep your employment in mind when writing. You never know, it could be the chance for a debate in the news, that could give other people with an opposing opinion the chance to stand out for what should be common sense.
Tell me how it goes if the paper prints the letter and replies to it ^^
Aaaaaaaaaaaand, yeah I didn't vote for Harper.
I guess I would have to watch the national news more to see how the rest of the country is faring.



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