Sort-of-not-really updating, shhh

Apr 22, 2012 20:28

Things still going slow on the job-searching front. Well, tomorrow I'll throw myself headfirst into it. I'm sure I'll find something!

I'm still slowly (very slowly) catching up on reading and commenting on the entries for the Nordicfest. I'm going through them in order, so it's taking a while. I find that it's hard to concentrate on reading things online - and this is a problem not just related to fanfiction. Maybe it has something to do with the medium. I mean, I can grab a book and read 100 pages in one sitting, but read a 1000-word fanfiction? Difficult. Strange.

Anyway, I'm getting through them - it's just taking time. It makes me happy to read them, though. I'm so glad that went over so well.

Finally managed to get caught up on updating the indexes. I let it slide during the fest, and then I never got around to going back to it. Hopefully that won't happen again.

On a completely unrelated note, I've been reading the Battle Royale novel. I'm finding that I like it more than the movie - well, the movie is pretty good, but I like how in the novel there is more room to expand on everything. We get to know the characters a lot better this way. In the movie, Shuya's kind of a bland guy, but I find I like him quite a bit in the novel. He at least has a personality. And the dystopian universe doesn't really get properly expressed in the movie either - it's hinted at, but there isn't really room to expand on it. The novel makes everything much clearer - and much more interesting.

From the look of it, the snow's finally gone! Don't expect we'll see any flowers around for another couple weeks, though. Ah, the frustration of living in the north.

indexing, hetalia, job-searching, weather, reading

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