Battle Royale sucked my time away

Apr 15, 2012 16:55

The distraction that is roleplaying in group events sucked me in for over a week and I'm only just now recovering. Who'd have thought a Battle Royale event would be so much fun? (Well, okay, perhaps it's common sense, but I'd never participated in any of our events before - it's much different to play in something than to just be on the sidelines!) I really enjoyed having Norway die in a really ridiculous way - impaled with a parasol, who'd have guessed - but man, I think this'll be the last time I ever do a roleplay event. They take too much time!

... And because of that, I still haven't gotten around to all the fandom things that I've wanted to do lately (like... reading fest-related things). I kind've feel bad, but on the other hand, one frivolous distraction substituting for another shouldn't be cause to feel guilty, right?

Still between jobs! Starting to get annoyed with that. But, at this point, it's still just a minor inconvenience.

Ugh, I want to write, but I am exhausted and not feeling inspired by any of my current projects. Well, perhaps after I (finally) go through all those stories, I'll get an idea.

Also, it snowed here yesterday. I am not impressed. Everything is white again. When the fuck are we going to get spring? :|

roleplaying, job-searching, life

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