Work and writing, again

Nov 14, 2011 09:39

Well, that oil company job didn't work out. It turns out the guy I would've been working for wanted me to start right away - like, today - rather than continuing to work until the end of my term with this job, which would be just another two weeks. No can do; I already made a commitment!

But even more than that... honestly, I'm not sure I would want to work for him anyway. Rather than calling me, he called my father to discuss when to start (they know each other). And instead of asking to talk to me, he kept talking to him about getting me to start early and whatnot, and kept trying to persuade him to be okay with me going to do that, even though my father needs me in the office right now. The dude didn't even e-mail me about it, not about the conversation nor to even ask "are you sure you can't take the job right now" or to say "Hey, I hear you can't take it, that's too bad" or... anything at all. Basically, he treated me like I'm just his buddy's kid, rather than an adult that he is potentially going to employ. For fuck's sake, I'm 25, not 15. And honestly, I do feel a bit insulted by it. I'm sure it wasn't intentional at all, but man... I just feel kind've shitty about that.

But, whatever. There will be other jobs, and since I now have some sort of experience, I'm sure I'll be able to get something suitable. Or at least some crappy retail gig during the holiday season, you know, just to get out of the house and keep working. As long as I'm working, it's fine! In the new year I'm going to look more into that whole government job thing. There's a certain Process to go through when applying to work with it, of course, and I've kind of been fidgety about doing it. But, new year will be a good opportunity for it.

The writing has been going well, though I haven't been doing as much of it as I had hoped. I'm still getting a lot done. It's hard to estimate, but I would say I've finished about 30 pages (well, handwritten pages) of fic since I started. Though that's kind of cheating, because part of that was started before - but whatever, they're the same stories, and now the drafts are done. If I get the draft for the third story done too, I'll be pleased.

But man, working on these ones has really made me realize... Uh. Well. I already knew it before, but long fanfictions are really not my strength. I'm best at short, short, short things. I'm more of a poet and short-story writer than a novelist, for certain, and even long stories don't work for me. Needless to say, Glassamilk or the Sixth Day author, I am not. Sigh. On the other hand, even though I would love to be able to write long stories well, it isn't really something that I care about enough to want to work really hard at it. The short ones, on the other hand... yeah, I can run with that. 1500 words or shorter, that's what I like writing best. So, I'd rather work on that. But every now and then I get an idea for something long, and it turns out kind've... Well, it turns out however it turns out.

But that's pretty much all that I have been doing lately. Working and writing; writing and working. And that's it. But honestly, I don't mind. There isn't much to do here. I just wish that the weather could be better. We got a ton of snow dumped on us over the weekend and it really makes me wish that I could just pack up everything and go wander down south like Snufkin. Yeah, that would be wonderful.

writing, job-searching, work, weather

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