Work and writing (again)

Nov 08, 2011 09:14

So, there's this job. No, not my current job. I mean, another job. One that I'll be applying for. Data entry. There's a really good chance that I'll get it. That isn't the problem.

The problem is that this job is for an oil company, and it's out at one of the oil plants. In an office there, of course, but at the oil plants nontheless.

I'm feeling kind of conflicted about it. This usually isn't something I experience - I'm not really the sort of person to have "moral dilemmas" and such - but there it is, and it's frustrating.

I have certain Thoughts on the oil industry in northern Alberta, and it's hard to articulate them because most of them are half-formed. But basically, even though I understand it's economically important, I don't want to be involved in it if possible. It just doesn't sit right with me.

On the other hand, this job would be temporary, and - to be honest - the pay is too good to refuse. No, seriously. We're talking some major dough here.

I just... ARRRRGH. I guess I'll just angst about it a bit, get over it, and then hope I get it. Because, seriously. Cash. I can't be picky.

But as for my current job, it's going pretty well. Can't complain at all. Hopefully things will continue to go well. It feels like for the first time in a good long while, something's actually turning out okay.

On a completely unrelated note, I've fallen way behind with writing. Man. It's disappointing. But there it is. It's just, sometimes I get home and I don't have the energy to write anything, right? That's how it is. But I'm really going to keep trying, because I want to write things and - more importantly - finish things that I've already started.

... Mind you, I did start writing something new the other day. So at least I was writing. But I'm supposed to be working on things that I've already started, not starting new things! I just, y'know. It was one of those ideas that sort of hits you upside the head. So I had to write it, because otherwise I would've lost it. But goddamnit, this is not what I'm trying to do.

*Also: I'm thinking I'll be doing a cut in the next few days. Or maybe not until the weekend. Basically, I have a lot of people on here that I don't remember. I look at the name and think "Who the heck are you, again?" And a lot've 'em don't update enough for me to really get to know them. So, yeah. We'll see.

writing, job-searching, work, friends, nafifimo

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