NaNoWriMo -- or rather, NaFiFiMo

Oct 29, 2011 01:10

So. November is nearly here. For some people, that means NaNoWriMo. Best of luck to 'em.

As for me, I don't have any ideas for novels, unfortunately. So - and I think I've mentioned this before - I'm going to make it a goal to turn November into a sort of "National Fiction Finishing Month" for myself. :)a I'll make it a goal to get things done, even if it isn't quite the same thing as what everyone else is doing.

This'll be more difficult than it might otherwise be, since I will be working for most of the month (I start my job on Monday, and I'm pretty excited about it) but I'll still see what I can do.

Off the top of my head, here are some things that I have in-progress that need to be finished:

-That Sweden/Finland love-letter thing that has been drafted forever and nearly finished. The draft is complete. It just needs editing. I should finish it, goddamnit.
-That Denmark/Norway/Sweden thing from around May
-That Norway/Sweden thing with the magic and the sexflipping from like... last year
-The quiet, atmospheric Norway/Sweden based on that roleplay thread from around February

There are other things that I have on the go, or could start, but the above are ones that I have at least a decent bit started (in many cases almost finished, or 2/3rds finished, or...) It's just a matter of sitting down and doing it. Though honestly, if I get even one of them done this month, I'll be happy.

Oh fuck, when did it get to be 1 AM -- I should've been in bed hours ago.

writing, nafifimo

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