So. It was decided that after my trip in early autumn, some changes might be in order.
One of my relations brought up the possibility of working with the government. It's a definite possibility. However, in order to do it, I'd have to move, probably to Edmonton. Pretty scary stuff considering I haven't exactly had much success with work in the last year or so. But, I will be looking into it.
On the one hand, the idea of moving makes me feel very unsure, because, well, what if it doesn't work out. I'll be screwed. And since I don't have much cash at the moment for rent and things, I would have to borrow from my parents in order to get started out (of course, I would pay them back after, but -- still.)
On the other hand, even if it might be difficult at first... goddamn, I need to get out of here. I am not happy in this house, and I am not happy in this city, and maybe a move would help improve my peace of mind. At the very least, since I wouldn't be around my mum all the time, I wouldn't have to always hear her saying stuff to bring me down. And if I move to Edmonton, well,
chinomi will be living there too, so I won't be totally alone. That's a very comforting thought. She'll be busy with school, sure, but I'll have someone to spend time with occasionally, at least!
(And suddenly I am overcome with thoughts of study parties and nights out, haa. Sounds like fun!)
But, mph. This is still a bit of a ways off. I haven't even decided anything yet, and I still need to do a lot more thinking about it. So. First, the trip. Then, look more seriously at this.
I think one thing that I really need to consider is this: If I never take risks because I'm too damn scared of what might happen, then I'll probably never have any success with anything at all. Right?