What the fuck just happened

Mar 27, 2011 23:23

Today was a clusterfuck. I'd planned to dick around and spend all day roleplaying but that's not what happened.

My mother had a heart attack this afternoon.

She's in stable condition now, and has been flown to Edmonton for further treatment. Dad will be driving down there tomorrow morning, and I will stay here. As far as we know, she'll be okay.

The next couple of weeks are going to be a bit busy, I should expect. Considering.

Man. And to think, she didn't want me to call the emergency line right away, said that I should wait until dad got home. I'm glad I didn't listen.

This isn't the first time she's had one either, though I didn't know about that before today. No surprise that I didn't know - in our family one does not talk about one's health problems with one's children; it is not considered Respectable to do so. But I wish I'd known. Ugh.

So. There it is, then.

Likelihood of sleeping tonight is... very small. Oh, well.

[edit] Ahh, thanks for the well-wishes, y'all. No worries, it'll be fine. I've received word that she reached Edmonton in good time and that everything is going to be okay. Hope y'all don't mind if I don't reply to everybody individually.

wtf, family, life

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