I want to go back to bed.

Feb 26, 2011 08:13

I am exhausted because I stayed up until a ridiculous hour roleplaying and such. Not that I'm complaining, exactly. It was totally worth it. (Man, that Denmark. What a guy.) But ugh, I did that for two nights this week. Not exactly wise. But I just couldn't resist, ahhhh. I hardly get the chance to play nowadays, with the exception of the slow-thread I've been doing with my partner, so I need to take every chance that comes up, right?

Twitter is down and I keep refreshing it every five minutes. What on earth has my life become?

There was some personal drama this week but I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, it has resolved itself. I just feel like I should mark these kinds of things down for future note, or something. "Yea, on the week of the 20th of February, 2011, Yuu was Involved with personal drama relating to So-and-So and Such-and Such and after a Certain Time and small amount of Discussion that particular Matter came to a successful Conclusion and the problem was thereby Solved."

Or something like that.

I've hardly been able to accomplish anything these past two days off because of people getting all up in my breathing space. Feels bad, man. I wish I could, y'know, just grab my computer and my notebook and mosey on down to the cafe like I used to do when I lived within walking distance of one.

My mother doesn't seem to understand the rules of movies (especially Hollywood movies).

"Why didn't he just jump on the train when it was moving slowly, so there wouldn't be any problems?!"

".... Because then there wouldn't be a movie, ma."

And she just doesn't let it go. And keeps asking all these ridiculous questions. "Who's that guy? What's happening? What's going to happen next?" Okay, look, if you'd sit down and shut up and pay attention, maybe your questions would be answered. I don't like watching movies with her. :T Though the annoying bits aren't the worst of it. The fact that she belittles me for not wanting to watch films with lots of violence (physical or psychological) pisses me off more. ... But let's not get into that.

I'd intended to have something written for 2/24, but that didn't work out. But it seems like this particular fic idea would be suited for August, so I'll try to finish that story for the summer.

The Nordic index is now up to date. And I realized I'd been neglecting the Baltic index, so I updated that. I've switched the browser I use for updating the Baltdex, and now transferring everything from the text version to Delicious is going to go so much faster. I got about 160 things bookmarked yesterday. Can hardly wait until this is all done.

That new official APH artbook looks pretty cool, ahhh. I kind of... want it. But I can't justify spending that money. I mean, who knows if I'll still be interested in this series after another year. (That's what I said last year, I think, but still).

Ngh, I want to go back to sleep.

indexing, roleplaying, hetalia, friends, relationships, family

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