☆ Thanks to everyone who gave kind words on my previous entry... I would have replied individually at that time, but considering the circumstances, was unable. It's been a crazy few days.
☆ Louie seems to be doing better now, but we're not over the critical five-day mark yet. He can stand up for brief periods of time, and can walk a bit, but he needs to be carried up and down steps and has to stay resting in his kennel most of the time. That's how it's going to be for about a month. Inconvenient, but... well, we'll deal with it.
☆ I'M STILL SICK. This is very annoying. I can't do much, tend to get dizzy and short of breath. So, I'll be going to the doc on Tuesday most likely. It pisses me right off, 'cause I only get two days off in a week, and it's a pain in the ass to have to spend them locked in my room at home (or waiting in a doctor's office) rather than running around downtown doing all my errands. I have a ton of Giftmas-related stuff that needs to get done, arrrrgh. Sob.
☆ Where on earth has the year gone? It feels as if it's September. Maybe because there isn't any snow yet. It's so freaking unusual for it to be mid-November and not even an inch of snow on the ground. I remember, when I was younger, we'd always have at least a little snow before Halloween... and then by the time November came around, we'd be dumped with it. But now it's warm, and it's weird. I wake in the dark, and I walk home in the dark, just like I used to. But there isn't any snow and it's -- strange.
☆ Though it isn't just the weather that makes it feel like the year just kind of evaporated. I had so many things I intended to do this year, and I thought I had so much time, and now -- what? There's no time? How did that happen? Where did all the time go? I have absolutely no idea. I don't know if it's because I've been busy, or because work has eaten up all my time, or because time just seems to go fast when you're older... Argh, I wish I knew!
☆ Anyone who wants a Giftmas card from me but hasn't given address yet, see
this entry. (Don't make me chase you down for addresses, y'all!) It doesn't matter if we know each other very well or not, or if you'll be sending something in return or not! I just like sending people cards!