Fucking hell, and other things

Nov 02, 2010 23:28

My father's truck was broken into last night.

He was in Edmonton on business, and that's when it happened. He had to drive a company vehicle back home, because a five-hour drive up north in November with a broken window isn't a good idea. So that one, it's still in Edmonton, getting repairs done.

So pissed off about this. We can afford the repairs, yeah, but it's another expense we just don't need. Man, why do people have to be such assholes, I don't even know.

On the upside, today was a good day, mostly. Productive. Half-hour of French, an hour of harmonica, some reading, managed to get some letters written that I've been meaning to do, and sort of started trying to feel out a direction for a private roleplay thread, though it's kind of still up in the air. Despite feeling a little sick, it was -- well, a very good day.

I was looking through my box of letters today, trying to find an address that I thought I had misplaced. Eventually I started reading things. It reminded me how awesome my friends are. I love you all. <3

wtf, friends, family, life

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