Apple bread, Franglais, Alone time and not-Writing

Sep 26, 2010 15:24

☆ I made Apple loaf the other day. It was so good, oh my gods. Highly recommended if one has apples and wants to do something other than pies with them. However, the instructions for the cinnamon topping are not good; one needs to add butter to it, otherwise it will not work properly. I advise to use the crumble topping in the blueberry muffins recipe I posted a few weeks ago instead. Alternately, one can just leave the topping off, like in a regular fruit or vegetable loaf. All that aside, I made three pies again today and now we finally do not have any apples left.

☆ I have started an account at Lang-8 because scrii is a hoser who ropes me into things like this. Basically, one writes journal entries in the language one is learning. Other people can then correct it. Er, I think, anyway. Still figuring it out. The thought of someone reading my 'orrible Franglais is rather embarrassing but it's another way for me to learn, so there is that. But good gods is it ever challenging; I don't really have the vocabulary to write anything so I have to look almost every word up and it takes me about an hour to write a short paragraph, sob. But at least it'll help, I think. After having a conversation with a certain person about this learning French, I think I've somehow become even more stubborn about it than I was before. Not sure where that will lead, but at the very least, I'm determined to actually finish my workbook.

☆ In two weeks my parents will be going south to Jasper, because my father must attend a conference there. This means that I will be alone for a few days. Score! ... Unfortunately, I will have to babysit my brother's dogs during that period of time. Not-score. But on the other-other hand, I know for certain that I'm able to study while alone with the dogs, and I am not able to study when I'm being bothered by my mother every five minutes. So, stupid animals or not, it's still an improvement.

☆ Ahhh I've been slacking on writing so much. orz I've been meaning to do my daily drabbles but there are too many distractions. But I'm going to try to catch up on that... and hopefully when my parents are gone I'll be able to get some real fic-writing done; maybe finish that Swe/Fin fic that I was writing, or at least finish drafting it. And drabble catch-up... and I think (I hope) I'll be able to do the indexing tonight. I really shouldn't have let it go for so long, but I've been all over the place lately! Ahhh ;;;

writing, food, languages, family

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