Can I call you 'Baby' / If I forget your name?

Apr 06, 2010 23:06

Call me crazy
But I'm just a classic case
It must be entertaining
To see me try and use both brains.

Not dead. Just uh, well. Busy and such. The thing is, I've been doing schoolwork and not much else, so everything that's been going on in my life is boring. Though that rarely stops me from making entries about it, things have been so stagnant that I haven't even had anything to write about. Yeah. Amazing. щ(◉Д◉щ)

The project I've been working on recently leaves me itching to translate, and I can hardly wait until I'm done with it so that I can do so. I love sinking my teeth into the text that way - it seems with some of these things, I don't truly understand them until I go through line by line and brush it out and try to put it into modern English, figure out what it's saying.

Been writing fanfic off and on. On the one hand, I'm happy that I can write now. On the other hand, I'm frustrated because I haven't had much time to write, and my hand is still not better. I can only handwrite one side of a page at a time. Then I have to leave it for a day or two because my hand hurts too much.

On the upside, I read one of my old fanfics today, one written back in May... and I realized, hey, it's not all that bad. It's a good feeling, realizing that not all of my old writing sucks. (It was this old Den/Nor PWP, by the way - Sunday Afternoon's Interlude) Very... satisfying to look at stuff from almost a year ago and still find things I like about it.

.... Soooo anyway. How've y'all been?

medical issues, fml, medieval, writing, life

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