:| x1000

Jan 19, 2010 23:41

Remains of Eadgyth, Anglo-Saxon Queen, discovered in German cathedral

Well. Today was a total bust. I slept in and missed the bus, missed class, arrrgh. I hate it when that happens, especially since I love my medieval class.

Then later on - okay, I intended to go get my x-ray stuff done, like I've been meaning to for over a week now. But I couldn't find the damn place. I think the address on my sheet was wrong, or something. Frustrating as hell, and by the time I stopped trying to find it and decided to go back, I was feeling pretty down. Well, I'll check up tomorrow morning and see if I can find the correct address but goddamn, it's just a huge bummer.

On the upside, I do have a follow-up appointment on Friday morning, so if I don't find the damn place by then I can ask the doc about it. I also intend to ask about physical therapy or whatever it is. Siiiigh. At least my hand feels a tad better - however, I don't know if this is because it actually does feel better, or if I'm just getting used to my fingers feeling tingly all the time. :|

Gahhh, trying to look at the good things, trying to look at the good things. I did a lot of walking today. It was sunny and bright and the air was fresh and I felt good at the time. I should take more walks in the afternoon, or even the late morning, rather than waiting until past 4. It starts to get dark then, and it really isn't as nice. I should appreciate this good weather while we still have it... gods know it'll probably get cold again.

When I was doing my ridiculous running around today, I took the bus to a part of the city I'd never been in before. It made me nervous, because I really prefer using my own two feet when going somewhere I'm not familiar with - it's less easy for me to miss my mark or get lost that way - but on the other hand I rather liked it because now I know where some other things are. Sure, nothing particularly interesting, but there we are. I found myself thinking that what I should have done when I first moved here was, I should've just picked random days and random bus routes and rode their routes so that I would know where everything goes. But, that would've made too much sense, of course. ... Maybe I'll do it eventually, though. It'd be kind of neat.

medical issues, fml, medieval, weather, saskatoon, life

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