
Dec 16, 2009 22:23

Merovingian and Carolingian burial sites discovered near Paris.

From the 5th-6th centuries and 8th-10th centuries. Pretty old stuff, that. Awesome.

Can't concentrate right now because the parents are talking and arrrrgh so, taking a little break. Just need to do 1 3/4 more pages of this particular essay, and then I'm done (except for the editing). It's the worst piece of shite I've ever written, but that's fine.

WHILE I am thinking of it, a note for those sending mail to me: If you haven't sent it out yet, everything should be sent to my Saskatchewan address, not the Alberta address, as mail is slow in the north and it won't arrive before I leave.

Urgh, my shoulders are so sore - probably just from sitting, sitting, sitting for weeks now, haha. Oh, that's life. But also something else, and it's odd - my left hand has been feeling strange for days. The last two fingers are tingly and a bit numb, a bit of the palm too. Not going to lie, I'm a bit concerned - not only because of the numb, but also because it's my left. I need that for writing. But ah, at this point I can't really worry about it much, as I don't have time. I hope it's just because I'm stiff and sore or something.

I'm so glad to be home - and not just because it's warm and the furnace doesn't make weird noises. It's nice to have someone feed me, haha. I've gotten so sick of cooking my own food. And eating the same thing every day. And not having anything nice to eat, and not having time to make anything more complicated than boiled eggs and couscous. ... Anyway. Er. Yeah. I really missed my mum's cooking. I hope she'll make meatloaf while I'm here, because hers is the best ever.

And I did miss having company. That's one thing I hate about living alone. I go days without actually talking with anyone. Sure, my family drives me absolutely up the wall, but at least they're people that I can talk to. It's a good thing.

There are other things I missed, too. Small things, like the fact that the sun is set by 4 PM, or the fact that there is always sour cream on the table at supper, or the way we stack mail on the kitchen counter, or the fact that downstairs we have all of my grandmother's old antique furniture. Sigh.

Though there's no doubt that by January 2nd I will be chomping at the bit, wanting to go back to Saskatchewan. But it's nice to be home for a little while.

medieval, food, sick, family

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