Fragrant nights of straw and bonfires

Oct 28, 2009 23:19

Site of the Battle of Bosworth Discovered.

I'm really digging this song right now, so I thought I'd share it: Loreena McKennitt - All Souls Night. Man, I love this woman's stuff. I'm still kicking myself for missing the chance to see her perform live.

Today wasn't necessarily a good or bad one. It was just a day - and that's probably better than a bad day, really. I did get some homework done, so there is that. Spent much of the morning internally grumbling about how much some of my classmates annoy me, and how I wish they'd just shut up, but - well, let's not be negative.

I'm really stumped as to what to do for the 31st. I've been thinking on it, and I'm just not sure. I was originally planning to go to the English department Halloween party, but... now I'm really not sure. I mean, last year it was no big deal because Ole hosted it, and I knew Ole (sort of) because we were taking John Donne together. But I don't know the person hosting this one, probably wouldn't be able to pick them out of a crowd (nor do I actually know their name), so it just feels so awkward to me. Also, I need to check location... if it's too far out of the way, that lessens the chances I'll want to go. If I can't walk there, I won't want to, I mean. I probably won't know whether or not I'll actually go to this thing until like... the afternoon of the 31st, hah. I guess if I do decide not to go, then I'll mosey on down to the video rental store and get myself a horror movie or two.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing during the daytime. Some quiet contemplation, I guess, and a walk down by the river. While Samhain isn't my new year, I still think I should do something for it, especially since Equinox fell on a school day. So, I'm going to view the 31st as a refresher period. Wind down, then wind back up, pick up all the pieces from the fail earlier in the semester and plough on, doing my best to keep from falling under again.

Also need to start figuring out what I'll do for Solstice. Once again I'm not going to be able to celebrate it on the day; not properly celebrate it, anyway. I'm going to have to move my celebration date up, again. Sometime between school's end and when I leave to visit my parents. Can't play things out precisely the way I want when my parents are breathing down my neck. I don't even do anything really, but I really need my alone time for this. That's important. And the food is important too. I just... Ugh. I remember one time, a long time ago, gods know how old I was but it was sometime in high school. I was really upset about something. So I went to my room and I got out my rocks and the herbs I had at the time and just sat there for a bit silently praying, because I did tat sort of thing back then. And mum caught me at it, and just - the things she said made me feel so horrible. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong but the things she said made me feel like I had. Even though I hadn't. I knew better, I knew I hadn't. Ugh, no way, won't let anything like that happen again. So, I won't celebrate Solstice on the Solstice.

medieval, colleagues, music, celebration, family

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