HK$413 - The Price Tag of Diving

Oct 11, 2008 00:47

That's how much I paid to see the doctor (after waiting for 45 minutes), plus some medications. Apparently, I caught some infection in my throat and sinus. By lunch time on Wednesday, I couldn't take it and went to see a doctor. I got there at 2pm and the nurse told me that they are closing for lunch. The schedule on the door says they'll re-open at 3pm. The nurse told me to come back at 3:30pm. I went home and took a nap. Went back at 3:45pm, yet the doctor's still not back. Gosh.. imagine if its an emergency! I waited for like 45 minutes before I finally get to see the doctor.

I thought its infection from the wound on my ankle that's giving me the fevers. Turned out that it's the throat. I can still remember how dry my throat felt during all the dives. But I thought I already drank bottles and bottles of water to counter that. Guess it's never enough....

Looking at the bright side, I passed my exam and completed all my 4 Open Water Dives. Of all 4, the last dive was definitely the best. I saw a frogfish, many nemos, many snappers, anguilar??, 2 sting rays, a rainbow eel.... and many others whom I dunno what they are. 19.8m was the deepest I went, 150 psi, 45 minutes.

I am definitely looking forward to my next dive. I am thinking Boracay again in for my Advanced before end of 2008. Yay! Gosh.. then it's shopping for equipment and gears. I so gonna enjoy this!!!

Infection! Allergy! whatever.. you can kiss my ass!
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