A New Beginning...

Mar 19, 2008 00:44

Finally, after months of search and uncertainties, I have signed on the documents today. It all started since November last year, when I started talking to my management. The more we talk, the more frustrated I was. And I strongly believe I am not the only one. I started my search. Along the way, there were a couple highly potential ones. Some even came with verbal confirmation, but somehow, the contract never came. If it's not yours, it's not yours.

Today, I signed on it. I guess I was pretty determined and prepared to leave, both the job and the country. I didn't bargain or negotiate much. I was contented.

Coming to 9 years I've been in this little island. Studied. Temp. Grew. Worked. Lived. Dated. Loved. Fucked. It is here I started my exploration of who I really am. It is here I first fell in love. It is here I learn to experience God, all over again, in a different manner. Cliche it may sound, no regrets. Life is too short for regrets.

I am not sure when I'll be back. I am not sure if I'll ever be back. But great memories I'll take with me. True friends who went through this stage of life with me, especially the few I knew since NUS days who have always been there throughout these years. Colleagues who were always supportive and encouraging. Bosses who really drilled and taught me. Fellow church and cell group members who taught me how to care. My best friend who is always so honest and true to me. My family, especially my sister who's always ready to knock senses into me. My housemate and his family, who always treat me like a part of their family. I never said this to you, but it is through your family I learn the importance of family. Importance of being there and being supportive towards each other. Importance of having a positive perspective on things.

And you.. who gave me the opportunity to fall in love. I heard this song on my ipod today, heard it again and again. It was you who recommended me to FIR actually and ripped these mp3 for me. I guess this basically wraps up my self-proclaimed fairy tale...

我們的愛 (Our Love)

回憶裡想起模糊的小時候 (In my memories I recall my blurry childhood)
雲朵漂浮在藍藍的天空 (Clouds floated on a blue sky)
那時的你說 要和我手牽手 (At that time you told me you wanted to hold hands with me)
一起走到時間的盡頭 (as we walked together into the end of time)

從此以後我都不敢抬頭看 (From then on I was afraid to lift my head to see)
彷彿我的天空失去了顏色 (it was as if my sky had lost its color)
從那一天起 我忘記了呼吸 (and from that day on, I forgot to breathe)
眼淚啊永遠不再 不再哭泣 (the tears will never be released)

我們的愛 過了就不再回來 (Our love, once passed will not return again)
直到現在 我還默默的等待 (until now I still quietly wait)
我們的愛 我明白 (Our love, I realize,)
已變成你的負擔 (has already become your burden)

只是永遠 我都放不開 (It's just that I will never be able to let go of)
最後的溫暖 你給的溫暖 (the very last warmth, the warmth you gave to me)

不要再問你是否愛我 (Stop asking whether or not you love me)
現在我想要自由的天空 (Now I want my freedom)
遠離開這被捆綁的世界 (Leaving behind this bound world)
不再寂寞 喔 (I won't ever feel lonely again)

Let's hope God will continue to bless me as I embark on a new journey to Hong Kong.. :-)
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