
Jan 20, 2011 19:14

Hi all,

So, uh, I've been a bad mod, I realize. ORZ Our deadline for the exchange was supposed to be tomorrow, but thanks to a lot of nasty RL issues (getting the flu + having to move across country in less time than I thought I had), I failed to send you a reminder.

So while it seems kind of silly to do this for a SANTA exchange now that we're in the middle of January, I'm extending your deadline to Feb. 20, which gives you another month to finish (and plenty of time for me to nudge you with reminders). I know this was stupid of me, and I'm really, really sorry. But I guess this way people can get something for Valentine's Day as well?

Of course, if you're close to getting your fic or art done, please post it as soon as it's ready.

!mod post

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