Special size 1/2

Jan 20, 2011 18:22

First, let me apology for writing so slowly ;;

Title: Special Size
Author: crotalus6 
Giftee: chromatic_coma 
Rating: This part is PG
Characters/Pairing: Ukraine/Hungary
Warnings:None on this chapter! (No Beta though, if that deserves a warning)
Summary: - Hungary/Ukraine: The two go out bra shopping. Can be a fluffy girls' day out or... something more ;)  [went with the 'something more', but we won't get to see that until next chapter~)

It had all started with something innocent, really… well, most of these things usually did. And to be honest, Ukraine wasn’t even sure if the monthly ‘girls’ night at Hungary’s place could be considered any kind of ‘innocent’ anyway.

“…it was France” admitted Belgium with a loud sigh as all the other girls broke into a laughing fit, some louder than others. Ukraine couldn’t help letting out a giggle herself.

“S-shut up!” was the Belgian’s reply, but it didn’t seem to do much to stop them. “It wasn’t as if- Ugh” she pressed her fingers against the bridge of his nose and let out a growl, not one to deal with people making a fool out of her. “OKAY, moving on!” She said (practically shouting), then grabbed the bottle that would decide whose turn it was to pick.

They had long since decided that choosing themselves who would be the next one just resulted in revenge after revenge over and over, so letting the bottle decide was somehow fairer; it wasn’t as if there was a lack of bottles when they were together...

With a movement of her wrist the bottle began to spun and spun and it was so much fun watching everybody’s faces while it did. Biting lips, shy glances and confident smiles. Ukraine wondered how she would look when nervous.
She knew she unconsciously twirled her hair, no matter how short… she wondered if she did other things, too.

Ukraine could almost feel how Belgium tried to control the bottle with her glare… probably so it would end on Hungary. The brunette was the one that had asked the embarrassing question after all. As said before, revenge after revenge over and over…

She also noticed how Taiwan tugged on her weird cute curl while she bit her lip, how Vietnam raised an eyebrow in an attempt to look calm (attempt because her hands betrayed her, twitching by her side in uneasiness), how Seychelles stared at the bottle with disbelief, as if suddenly understanding the reason England was so adamant about not letting her attend to these ‘meeting’s before France convinced him. Belarus looked… well, unreadable. As always. Maybe bored since she would rather be with her brat… but she did discretely follow the bottle with her eyes.

Hungary was looking at the bottle calmly, as if she didn’t have anything to hide. Ukraine admired her for that… she wished she was as confident as the brave brunette was. She was one of the girls, yes, but she could easily terrify some of the male nations, and nobody could beat her when she branded her frying pan. She had had her own little empire, and ‘kicked ass’ whenever she went if she wanted to, even in current times.

Suddenly, as if Ukraine’s thoughts were so loud everybody could hear them Hungary looked up right into her eyes, green meeting blue meeting the blush of Ukraine’s cheeks when she instinctively looked down at the floor. She bit her cheeks to avoid them blushing even more… ah, he was so nervous around the people she admired. That would get her into troubles one day, she was sure…

The blonde farmer was so distracted by her thoughts she didn’t even… notice at first. Only when she realized everybody was holding their breaths and staring at her did she look down… yes, the bottle was unmistakably pointing at her.


She looked up at Belgium’s eyes with a look that was as apologizing as fearful while she trembled.
The Belgian hummed as she tilted her head, with a smile that that screamed ‘sorry’… that was one of the reasons all of them hated it when the turn landed in Ukraine, she always looked like she was going to break at any moment. As if anybody would dare go too far with Russia’s sister.

“Uh… truth or dare?” asked Belgium, scratching her neck as Ukraine stroked an invisible wrinkle on the knee of her pajamas in an attempt to calm herself down. Oh, come on, she told herself… she wasn’t Latvia, for God’s-

“T-TRUTH” replied Ukraine, maybe a little too loud. The other blonde merely smiled. Ukraine rarely ever picked dare- not that anybody could blame her. Even the most innocent of the girls had surprised them with humiliating, embarrassing, degrading dares, so only the boldest ones choose it.
Yes, sometimes ‘truth’ could also make you feel quite… self-conscious, but what happens in the girl’s night out stays in the girl’s night out. They were at least sure nobody would comment anything about what they had admitted outside (which was one of the reasons the male nations feared them so. They were like a sect… a beautiful and unreachable one).

Belgium looked Ukraine up and down, as if something in the way she was dressed or the way she looked would give her a clue on what to ask. Ukraine merely twirled and twirled and twirled the same strand of hair around her finger, and she might have had just pulled it out if the situation had been going on for too long. Luckily for her, some parts of her… ah, anatomy called Belgium’s attention more than others. Which made her quickly think of a question…

“What is your size?”

Ukraine blinked, taking a moment to process it. “M-my…size? Size of…?” she asked, raising a blonde eyebrow. Taiwan was trying hard not to break into giggles and Seychelles let out a startled cry when she saw Belarus pull out her knife (like she did every time she felt one of her siblings was being threatened in any way).

Hungary raised an eyebrow and hummed in interest.

Belgium laughed gently then she… gestured… in front of her chest.

Oh. OH.

She understood then, and also understood the reason why Vietnam was covering her chest as while she huffed, looking away. And Ukraine was suddenly glad Switzerland was too protective of his little sister to let her assist yet. Jealousy was a really bad thing… but it wasn’t as if she had asked for them! She could not see what the big deal was anyway-

“So?” asked Hungary, smiling at her. She looked curious, but not in a bad way, just merely interested “What is your cup size…? I would say DD, maybe DDD… you look big, but not too big if I make sense” she tilted her head “Your back is strong too…”

If Ukraine’s cheeks were blushing before, she was bright red now, ears included. She was not used to that kind of attention, and what Hungary was saying sounded really similar to… compliments? She couldn’t even look up from the floor.

“E” she whispered quietly, then took a deep breath and repeated, louder this time “I-I am an E cup, I- uh… I… not all of the stores have it” she chewed on her lower lip, feeling ashamed even if she knew it was not her fault. She actually had to resist the urge to mutter ‘sorry’

She wasn’t sure if the following ‘ooooh’ was of jealousy, surprise, pity… or maybe a mix of everything. She politely waited a few seconds before reaching for the bottle, still bright red, trying to get over with it as soon as possible. Or, trying to, since a voice suddenly made her stop.

“Could I come?”

Ukraine looked up, finding with her eyes the person that had asked; she blinked when she saw Hungary smiling at her innocently, hands on her lap. Had she asked what… she thought she was asking?

“I mean, to buy with you, next time you need one. Could I?”

Yes, yes she was. Ukraine felt her mouth go dry in nervousness, and she didn’t even know why. She suddenly thought her lap was the most interesting thing on earth and couldn’t look away from it.

But, there wasn’t any harm in what the Hungarian was asking, was it? She was just… curious, because Ukraine was a special size. And…she wanted to see that herself… f-for some reason?

“…I-I guess?” he stuttered “If- if you want to, I mean.”

She managed to detach her eyes from her lap enough time to see the Hungarian smiling gently… just to quickly look down again.

“That’d be lovely”

After a few seconds of silence, Ukraine grabbed the bottle again. They continued their game, playing as if nothing had just happened.

And, actually, nothing had really happened… right?

fic, hungary, ukraine, nyotalia

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