Title : Unspoken Memories
Pairing : DaiRyu, DaiChi.
Genre : Angsty? Hurt/Comfort?
Warning : ....ehm..yaoi-ness! Angsty stuff. blabla.
A/N : ehm..happy new year? it’s been a long time(^o^)hehe. this fic is dedicated to Kiza (AoiSoraNoHikari) omg don’t tell I mistook her username! XD /slapped/ and this will be my last fic ♥
Summary : Memories left unspoken, memories left abandoned. (I suck at summaries I know)
The memory was left abandoned as the year passed by. Bit by bit it passed away, as if it was never happened.
It remained silently as the cherry blossom began to bloom. Where did the bright smile that he had longed for go? He wasn’t ready to face reality. He wasn’t ready to go through all of this alone. Saying "it’s okay..I’m here.." wasn’t really helping him getting himself out of the darkness. Surely, he had friends to help him pass this. Apparently, it didn’t really work.
Daiki wasn’t really looking forward to the blooming season, nor was he looking forward to spend the day outside. Cherry blossoms happily welcoming him into a bright and happy spring.
He sighed. Unsure of what to do, he glanced to the clock beside his bed and groaned. Another boring day. He finally got up sat on his bed, and crack some knuckles in his neck.
He lazily walked slowly to his bathroom. It wasn’t that big, but enough to deal with since it wasn’t the best apartment in town. He undressed himself before stepping into the shower, he turned on the cold shower and didn’t even bother to make it warm. Cold and refreshing, the way he liked it.
He stepped outsideand inhale deeply, he wasn’t sure whether to enjoy the day or not. He was having quite a time spending the season, used to be his favorite season in the entire year.
But everything changed in a blink of an eye. The memories suddenly snapped him out of reality as he recalled what had happened to a certain precious person. He shook his head, trying hard to not to remember it.
The wind was blowing in rythm, almost sounded like whispers, running through his mind. As if it was reminding him of the forgotten past.
He dragged his feet through the crowd, didn’t really mind where was he going. Eyes glued to the ground, his mind kept screaming him to snap out of this. But somewhere inside, he knew he couldn’t. It felt just like it happened yesterday. Heart and head started to race each other, tears dwelling in his eyes before finding himself in a familiar place.
As he sighed to himself, he wandered around and looked at the tombstones before him. The wind kept blowing harshly against his skin, he shivered. Dragging his feet along, he stopped as he found what he had been looking for.
Daiki knelt down before the large stone, as the wind came and blew even stronger. The whispers were getting louder as Daiki tried hard to ignore it. His chest hurt, again.
Shutting his eyes to prevent the waiting tears to come out, he touched the smooth surface of the stone. It was cold, as always. He placed his other hand to his chest.
Can you hear me?
He found something, and that was reality. He always thought it was all just a nightmare. And he waited, and hoped..that once he woke up, his precious one would leaned to him and gave him a gentle embrace, telling him that everything's okay with his soothed words.
But he didn’t.
He placed his hand over his chest clenched tightly. Reality hurt him. No matter how many times he begged, it just wouldn’t come back to him. He wouldn’t come back to Daiki no matter how much Daiki wished, begged, or pleaded. He ran his fingers over the craved stone's surface, eyes once again shutting tightly as he fought the tears that begging to escape.
He brought his hands and kissed his fingers, before placing them on the large stone. A silent tear slide down through his cheek.
Yuri, can you hear me now?
His body was trembling, his lips were shivering, his hands were shaking.
Answer me.
He stood up, eyes locked to the stone. Gently wiped the tears away, ignoring the others that still sliding smoothly on his cheek. The whispers stopped echoing, replaced by the rain that slowly making him soaked wet. Tears were mixed with raindrops.
Yuri, where are you now?
Are you happy?
Is it a wonderful place like everyone said?
Do you still love mー
A pair of hands gently embraced him from the back. Eyes widened, before his lips curled upwards slightly and let out a small smile. He didn’t have to ask who hugged him as he already knew. Only one person, who'd embrace him gently like that.
“Hi, Ryutaro.”
Ryutaro remained silence, as he tightened his embrace on Daiki. The latter spun around and hugged Ryutaro back. Before the older boy could manage to speak, he heard small sobs from the person before him.
Ryutaro let go of Daiki. He just remained silent as his eyes stared the large stone.
He smiled.
Daiki took the younger boy's hand and squeezed it gently before suddenly a piece of memory haunt and made him remember Yuri's last words to him.
“Take care of Ryu-chan, would ya'? I'll be back before you know it. Bye!”
Daiki opened his eyes slowly.
“Let’s go, Ryutaro..”
Hand in hand they left the place. It was their new beggining.
Goodbye is after all, a start of a new beggining.
And I thank you for what you taught me, and I love you for the love you gave me, and I will never forget you for the memories you left me.
A/N : do NOT! kill me because I did not intend on killing Chii in this fic! He isn’t dead, he’s molesting Yamada in the janitor room in his school! /chopped/ sorry for the crapness, shortness, and ignore the errors wouldcha? This would be my last JUMP fic (maybe?) and I dedicate this to my awesome awesome friend, KIZA~!! you rock! and have a rocking new year :D