Aug 31, 2005 22:56
to whoever might read this....
As your sitting there in your comfy computer chair, staring at your computer screen, sipping a cold soda and carrying on 6 different conversations on Instant messenger....think about everything you have right now. All of your blessings. Your cell phones, ipods, x boxes, and cds. Look over at your big screen plasma tv and all 2 hundred of your one time watched movies. Have you thought about your air conditioning and electricity? How about running water? Now that you have those pictured so clearly in your mind think about having all those things just disapear in a blink of an eye. Everything you own is gone. You have nothing but the clothes on your back. I'de say that thought is a bit frightening. But you know what? People are dealing with that right now, as you read this, at this very moment.
The victims of hurricane Katrina are going through horrible crisis. Thousands without homes, jobs, and and families. I don't know about you, but that puts a lump in my throat. Maybe it's because New Orleans is one of my most loved cities, or because most of my relatives live in the Louisiana and Mississippi area, but I feel the need to do something to help. That is why I am thinking about raising some money for the victims and relief force from this disaster. The money will go straight to either The Red Cross, Operation Blessing, or Salvation Army. We havn't decided which program would be best to send to but I will make sure to let you know where it goes to. If you would like to give any money at all please contact me at 727-543-9406(cell), redhotjillipeppa(sn), or talk to me at school. Even if you decide to send you money yourself or to a different organization, I strongly urge you to do so. Talk to your parents and please give to the ones in need. Just think, what if the hurricane took a turn and hit us? Thankfully that did not happen but not we must help those who are dealing with this disaster.
if you would like to send something youself here are some numbers...
1-800-SAL ARMY
Southern Maptist Disaster Releif 800-462-8657 Ext. 6440
American Red Cross 1-800-HELP NOW
Above all please pray for them, they could use all the prayers they can get.