my brother distracts me playing with a lizard. me wants it too, how can I write when there's a little lovely black lizard being held in my brother's hand? fakju.
so, first of all, cause I'm gonna forget, here's a meme~~
Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back at me). Other people (including me~) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.
the words I got from
thier_sess are these:
1. Jaejoong (w sumie skojarzyło mi się też "kosmita" XD)
2. J-rock
3. Spam/fazy
4. Podróże przez całą Polskę
5. Burzmeni
as for the First K-pop Alien Above All The Other Aliens, read as Jae-where the fuck did u come from-Joong, where should I even start?
He's an alien, that we are all already aware of perfectly. There's this part of me finding him completely weird and utterly illogical and what the hell r u, try being understandable once in a while, pretty please.
Other thing is - I do understand one thing about him. SAUCE IS INDEED GREAT WITH HABANERRO IN IT. never tried rive with mustard though, but I take his word for it being good. me does not like mustard xP
also, when I see him my motherly instinct kicks xP I feel I should take care of him, make him food and check if he's properly dressed or something. He seems like someone who's not only allowing u to mother him but also enjoys it. kinda twisted and adds to the Jae-wtf-Joong category, really.
what else. erm. he's scary but cute.
J-rock. so, yes, right, j-rock. Well, first of all - Girugamesh and Maximum the Hormone. My luv forever and ever and no kpop or jpop or other GunSok can change it. Not even Oguri, my luv for Girugamesh is above it all. and I really have no idea what should I say/write more about it, besides it being totally awesome and great.
have a song then xD
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Satoshi looks completely idiotic with his face made up and corrected with some graph program but the song is great and the mv is so-so also xD
spam/fazy. which means being spamming, incredibly amazing, hard to understand, fucked up me xD eeerm, well. me spams a lot, because I love to express myself all the time to random people, like writing about things I'm watching, something I saw, heard, thought about... also, expressing my needs by whining on twitter/facebook/whatever is quite effective, believe me xD
what else. I simply love talking about random things which often, usually, end up with deciding on some crazy mission or discovering something that completely changes our lifes or making up some completely twisted but incredibly possible theory, like Gackt keeping his pigeon army which helps him with stepping nonchalantly from rooftop stright on the street. or so xD
and I love my spam family, my spamming knights, even if I don't get to talk with them about some very important and impossible to understand for an average person stuff too much, cause my internet is a biatch and is non existent nowadays and my brother is a bad family member cause he doesn't want to share.
podróże przez całą Polskę. travelling all day to spazz together. yes. it's an important part of my life, really. I love visiting my friends and love my friends visiting me. we can talk more and have more fun watching some stuff or taking a walk or just laying and doing nothing. that it takes a whole day to get to their hauses is an impediment but it's not an unsolvable one, right? it is indeed tiring to sit all day in a train with some old woman on ur back and looking into ur book/notes/laptop and unable to move ur legs, just because some stupid man fell asleep in front of u, and ur ass hurts so much u hate sitting for the next 2 days. but when I finally arrive it's fun and love and rainbows and sparkles, even if it's full of Changmin for some reason xD
also, when someone does love me enough to come visit my village, I have company on my walks with the dog, and that's a quite rewarding bonus, me thinks xD
burzmeni. which means no less no more than Arashi, which means the cause of everything, with me being here and spamming on top of the list.
anooo, etooo... discovered just because someone came up with the idea of making musical from bleach and because Ohkuchi Kengo was there and he was supposed to appear in the Gokusen movie. so I started watching the drama so I know what is the movie about which was apparently pointless, cause every season of gokusen was incredibly similar, and so was the movie xD but I liked it anywayz and that's how the Almighty Me discovered the Incredibly Marvelous Matsumoto Jun, who by the way looked gorgeous as Sawada Shin and completely different and never after and, which is quite obvious, never before was he so goodlooking. really.
anywayz, me still loves Arashi but not as much anymore, cause I simply got bored after *counts* almost 3 years of neverending fangirling over them. maybe, probably not really bored, but first pissed off as they started deleting or changing their programs, which became less fun and totally not interesting at all. then they started delivering some crap singles and even crapier album and omfg the drama. so I started paying more attention to everything else, Big Bang and Super Junior in particular. That was not when I discovered kpop, cause I did that about 3 months after discovering Arashi, but that's when I happened not to have days full of Arashi and being fed up and tired with them so I was looking for some change which wasn't necessarily Kanjani 8, cause it was supposed to be something new to love, not deepening my feelings to something I already do love.
erm, anywayz.
I watch them and listen to them from time to time but not as much as before, and they're not as entertaining as they used to be. maybe because I realized some things, member-ai being a complete lie being the most important one.
me is lost in what I was trying to say.
I'm in love with this man, and what's more I simply don't believe he's not Japanese. he should be a frontman in some visual key band, not a korean actor, srsly.
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he's beautiful, funny, lovable, omfg me wants him sfm *w*
also, Ari is blind and twisted the wrong way around and do not want to hear the story about his eyes once again.
ur plain deaf and blind, Zdzichu.
one week and 3 days to The Trip. me started panicking in the middle of the night, yesterday, as I got home. there is really a lot of things that can go wrong, with the plane crashing included. also, mind the Iceland and it's volcanos.
also, we're getting lost, I assure You, Kat, be prepared to search for us somewhere in France, not necessarily somewhere close to Paris xD
I'm staring with Beethoven Virus today, to check out the character which made the whole mindfucked Korea hate on Jang Gun Sok. me does not understand and never will.
oh, almost forgot. the new FT Island mini is awesome, new Beast album is marvelous me is a happy fangirl, really is.
Take off was a real disappointment, considering the title and the artist being 2pm.