Sorry I haven't updated in a while (at least not anything worth noticing). Prom is over and gone, and I must say I looked alot better this time! ^^ People kept saying, "Oooh you look so preeetty!" Which, of course, boosted my self esteem several notches. What's weird is that EVERYONE said it like that. Even the girl at Jack in the Box. Weird. Anyhoo, it was good, it was actually held at the Seahawks stadium, which I thought would suck, but didn't, because we were in the VIP room, and could watch the lacrose game from the windows. No guys asked me to dance (sad face) but I did get asked by my gal pals to dance in their groups, so I did, even to 'I like Big Butts'. I felt like a dork, but oh well! That's what prom is for right?
My mom came as a chaperone with my dad, and that was okay, cuz they didn't really bother me. Afterwards they had souvenier champange glasses and beer mugs to take home, but you could only take one. I took a glass and made my mom grab a mug. Hey, I wanted both!
Anyway, I have very little time left of school, especially since I only go on A days. I'm happy but.. a little not wanting to go. I've spent a long time at that school. It's sad to say goodbye.
On another note.. I CLEANED MY ROOM! **gasp** Honest, I have floor now. I'm so proud of myself. ^^
Well.. aloha for now!
Audrey is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.N