Broke My Heart Mountain

Dec 12, 2005 01:13

I hate long entries, but here goes ...

December 7th was a "day that will live in infamy." The anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Prayers to all those who have suffered during or after the grave wartime incident.

R.I.P. Actor Pat Morita who died of unknown causes at age 73 in the last week of November. As Mr. Miyagi in "Karate Kid," we got a taste of Japanese culture via his "crane kick" move and a sequel with a young Hilary Swank. He also appeared in many other smaller movies and TV series afterwards. We just lost an Oscar-nominated Asian hero ... a stereotyped one, but still the best supporting actor the Asian community could have hoped for.

R.I.P. comedian and actor Richard Pryor who died of a heart attack at age 65 this past Saturday. Although I wasn't too personally familiar with his comedic legacy, I've heard the name in passing.

1. More Personal Shit

My ex-best friend that I have spoken about many times before here just emailed me on MySpace and said that she wanted to explain what had happened these past six years that we'd known each other. She is of course the ultra-religious friend who had her epiphany our junior year of high school and had trouble accepting the fact that I was gay.

She wrote to me to say that she loves me and will always know me as a true friend and a brother. She apparently pushed the dissolution of our friendship into her unconscious and didn't deal with the impacts it had on both of us. She told me that she never meant to hurt me. Everything that happened was during a confusing time in her spiritual life. She didn't know how to handle our relationship and told me that she thought that if we hung otu together than she would not be in the will of God, but she didn't know how we couldn't because we were basically twins. She explained that she was very confused about life and didn't know how to be a human being, let alone a friend. She asked for my forgiveness for being self-righteous and condemning me. She said that she should've been there for me when she wasn't. She got married and started a new life where things developed very quickly and neglected the person she called the most important person in her life since pre-school. Now, she is trying to learn how to luv people practically and still wants to be my friend. She admitted that she still feels herself slip into the same tricks when she communicates with me and she's trying to understand now that she doesn't control me anymore and that for so many years she manipulted her way into our relationship with me doing almost everything for her. Now that we're both adults, she wants to know the boundaries I would like to set. She's not here to do any more harm and simply wants to be friends again.

I would like to believe that her email is heartfelt and true. It's not that I don't believe her, but I was just so hurt the entire time we did this song and dance. I can feel my heart aching whenever I read any communication from her. I remember back to the days when we seemed to be having fun and I just want to die inside knowing that all of that could've been fake. Maybe I just need to learn to forgive or maybe I'm just not satisfied with what she's prepared to offer. I don't know. All I know is that I feel hurt no matter which way I turn.

Last week, I randomly encountered Jesse on campus. I was walking to a JSA meeting at around 6:00. It was dark outside and I wasn't really looking ahead, but he saw and recognized me.

We SHOOK HANDS and briefly hugged like we were frat buddies. He admitted that it was kinda awkward, to which I told him that it was okie and understandable. He said that every time he came to campus to settle up his academic records he was afraid he was going to run into me ... but not in a bad way apparently. We then just made small talk about what we'd been doing recently. He said that I didn't look like I was taking it hard. Then he told me that if I wanted to hang out sometime that he should call me. I said okie and rushed off to my meeting like I was being pursued by the hounds of hell.

Soon afterwards, he called me back and left a message on my machine saying that he wanted to clarify that when we saw each other, he was just trying to say that he wants to be my friend again soon and that he does wants us to hang out.

It was not the ideal encounter, but I realized that this was probably one of the last times we would see each other. I am still very shaky on the idea of being friends, especially now. I text messaged him back and told him that I appreciate him calling, and that although I still want to be friends, now is too soon. He didn't respond, of course, because I told him not to contact me. I want to stay on amicable terms with him, but judging by his past exes [which he contined to hook up with for some time after they broke up, but not when we were together I hope] and how I feel about him at the moment, I definitely don't think I could do the friends thing. I may have cared for him, but sometimes when they turn away from you, you can't turn back. I'm not sure if I can be friends with him because it will be so hard to look at him and see someone other than the perosn I was dating, or psuedo-dating apparently. I also feel like he's rushing me with this whole wanting to be friends again soon thing. I'm not on his schedule anymore, I'm on my own. Regardless, now is definitely NOT the time to be friends.

2. Social Commentary

[Bumbling Billboards]
Over Thanksgiving break, there were billboards by Vons up around California that said "LIFE says during the holidays, pumpkin pie counts as a veggie."

What the fuck is that?! As if this country wasn't obese enough already, we have to have billboards CONDONING obesity on one of the only times during a year when overeating is a rite of passage, not a reason to go to the gym to do 50 extra crunches, do a fat flush, and ate nothing but grapefruits until Christmas. Oh no, Thanksgiving is a time when you put on your EATIN DRESS and eat your fucking face off.

Not that there is anything wrong with eating ... not at all! I mean, eating is BY FAR [by fat?] my favorite hobby. But when your health is in question, that's a different story. And this billboard does not help. Saying that pumpkin pie is a vegetable. Bitch, please! That's like saying that french fries are a vegetable. That is more fucked than Clay Aiken. How can you possibly produce material like this and put it out for the public to consume and then figure out afterwards, "Well geez louise doc, I NEVER realized that pumpkin pie was heart-attack inducing! I thought that vegetables weren't supposed to be bad for you!" Great job America. I mean, it's not enough that we have more enemies than gay marriage, but now we have to be as fat and unhealthy as our national debt. Right ...

[No-Diet Diet]
Brigham Young University health science professor Steven Hawks has used the "intuitive eating" diet plan and exercise to lose 50 pounds and keep it off for five plus years [in the first 11 months, he lost 35 pounds].

This diet is not revolutionary, nor is it really a diet. It's what we ALL should be doing naturally.

On this "diet," you can eat WHATEVER YOU WANT because there are NO dietary restrictions. So if you feel like eating ice cream, chocolate cake, candy, McDonald's, or any other food that you want. The ONLY restrictions are that you must NOT eat when you are not hungry and STOP eating the instant that you sense you're getting full. This diet is not about eating ALL junk food because really I think the only person that would do that would be fruit flies that rely on sugar.

Oh my goodness, this is such an intense diet! I don't think I can handle eating whatever I want but in moderation! Wow, that's so hard.

Oddly, I've been on this "diet" for a week already and I feel much better. I'm usually the one who hobbles my fat ass to the buffet; gobbles down more food than pre-Subway Diet Jared, a pregnant woman, and that skinny-ass Japanese guy that never gains any weight even though he wins every single hot dog eating contest this side of the Pacific PUT TOGETHER; and topple at home from overeating with my stomach pounding like a hammer.

Another great thing about this "diet" is that it's forgiving. If you screw up by eating a food that's "not that good" or when you may overeat, this diet isn't like, "Well fuck man! You just screwed yourself over! Now you'll never be skinny like Lara Flynn Boyle!" If you fuck up with other diets, then you feel more like a failure than George W. Bush. This one does not go against natural biological tendencies or urges.

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, when my sister and I were coming back from Ralph's post-Thanksgiving, our shuttle driver was a complete ass.

Technically, when you ride the Ralph's shuttle, your purchase should be over $25, but our's was only $15. The shuttle driver asked his manager, who was sitting in the shuttle next to him, IN SPANISH, if it was alright if he takes us. The manager said that was fine, but jokingly said that she should charge us $25 extra for it and laughed. Then proceeded one of the longest, most offensive shuttle rides of my life.

We started driving away and he tried to speak to us in heavily-accented English. After usual stoopid conversation he was like, "Do you like Chinese?"
My sister retorted, "Uh, like the food?"
He responded, "Oh, I didn't know if you were Chinese or not, you know? Because sometimes people who aren't Chinese might not like to be called Chinese, yea?"
My sister rebutted, "Well, we're Korean."
He defended, "Oh, well I'm sorry. When are you going back to your country?"
My sister retaliated, "Uh, we're adopted and we live in the States. So we are in our country."
He apologized.

By the time we got back to my apartment, which was only really 10 minutes away, we were both so angry at this man's ignorance. I mean, at least he didn't make any derogatory comments, but he's so uninformed! I mean, people don't even bother to try to tell Asians apart. It's like when you're in elementary school and people try to tell Asians apart by taking the sides of their eyes and pushing the skin upwards [Chinese], downwards [Japanese], or opposite ways [Vietnamese].

And this guy was of Hispanic descent, which is another group of ethnic backgrounds that are completely lumped together. Bitch, please, if anybody, you should understand what Asian people are going through. I guess I have to stop expecting that people are going to be open-minded.

My boss' son just got an assignment to a navy ship that could go to Iraq at any time. Of course, being the doting mother she is, she told him to come over to her office immediately.

He came over and reminded her that he would not be able to check his email more than once a month. She immediately freaked out and told him that she would try to find a way to get in contact with him.

Being the insensitive comedian that I am, when my boss said that no cell phone will reach all the way to Iraq, I said, "Hey! They have that new Occupied Territories Plan! Yea, oh sure! They have free nites, weekends, and Islamic holidays!" That just got a bad laugh out of everyone, and I realized that it was prolly VERY racially-insensitive ...

With the coming of "Brokeback Mountain" not too far away, several famous heartthrobs have admitted to having bisexual tendencies ... yea, rite. Like I believe that shit. Although judging by the people who have admitted to it, "Wowza!", "Woof!", and all those expressions of lustful surprise beginning with the letter "w."

JAKE GYLLE-FUCKIN-HAAL: "You know it's flattering when there's a rumor that says I'm bisexual. It means i can PLAY MORE KINDS OF ROLES. I'm open to whatever people want to call me. I've never really been attracted to men sexually, but I DON'T THINK I'D BE AFRAID OF IT IF IT HAPPENED."

JASON MR-FUCKIN-AZ: "I had a gay friend I was hanging out with just about everyday. We were basically best friends. It took me about three months before I realized, 'Oh my god, we're dating.' It wasn't until we were out for dinner on Valentines Day that I realized we both we're having a very romantic time together. Right before I moved to California he gave me a pretty strong willed kiss goodbye, which I have never experienced before. Unfortunately, he had a little bit more facial hair than I like. I have a bisexually open mind, but I have never been in a sexual relationship with a man. IF THE RIGHT ONE CAME ALONG, THEN SURE. [My current girlfriend,] she's a tomboy, if that helps."

[Nick & Jessica]
Yes, it's true. Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson's marriage is over. But honestly, let them be! Attention all you stoopid paparazzos: obviously this is a very serious time for them. They can't deal with all of this attention rite now on top of all their own issues together and apart. Whatever the reason that they broke up, that's not really my or anyone else's business. So leave them the FUCk alone.

[Brad & Jennifer]
Brad Pitt is going to adopt Angelina Jolie's kiddos. Good for him. Let's just hope they won't be going through their relationship like water down a drain. It's hard enough for children when their parents [biological, adopted, or step] split up, but now that they're embroiled in the celebrity strata, they will have to deal with a hell of a lot more.

Jennifer Aniston is now dating funnyman Vince Vaughn. I don't understand the physical attraction and honestly, I'm not a big fan of his humor style. I guess this is truly a situation where personality supersedes looks. Good for her for being the beautiful Greek goddess that she is and for cavorting around with his dusty ass.

3. Random Events
* South Africa now affirms gay marriage! So many other countries are surpassing the U.S. in human rights. Sigh ... hopefully the next stop will be the U.S.?

* Scientists believe that new fissure found in a desert in the remote northeastern part of Ethiopia could be the "birth of a new ocean basin" that is 37-miles long and split open in September. Avast me hearties, thar might be eight seas now.

* Lt. Gen. Walter E. Buchananan III, Commander of the 9th U.S. Air Force and U.S. Central Command Air Forces stated that reports of collateral damage in Iraq were exaggerated. He then touted the U.S.' military prowess concerning weapons precision. Right, just like that time they dropped a whole cargo shipmen on top of several HOUSES in Afghanistan.

* Federal air marshals at Miami International Airport shot and killed Rigoberto Alpizar, 44, who claimed to have a bomb in his carry-on luggage. Although authorities ruled out a massive terror attack, he was still shot for having reached into a bag where the marshals thought the bomb was being kept. Just SHOT him dead ... that could be you next!

4. Movies

I think somehow the moviegoers heard what I and thousands of other people had to say by giving a big "FUCK YOU" to 50 Cent's ridiculous movie "Get Rich or Die Tryin."

In the first week, it grossed $17 million leaving it at #4 in the box office. PITIFUL. Then, the movie came in at #7 with a total gross of $24 million. But by the third week, it dropped out of the top 10 and barely made it over $28 million. The next week, he didn't even clear $1 million. So his grand total bottoms out below $30 million. "8 Mile made more in it's opening week [$51 million] than the ENTIRE four weeks that there are numbers for the movie that's really only worth 50 cents. [All figures courtesy of]

I'm not one to judge, and even though I really haven't seen the movie yet, I can still tell it's got that new SHIT smell. Like I said before, 50 needs to take 35 cents and call God for advice. Because, shit, he needs to buy himself a clue.

Mel Gibson's trek to Samoa with an Anthony Hopkins' headed crew was an interesting ride; full of mutinies, nekkid Samoan girls' titties, hot Hollywood actors when they had just barely cleared 25 [or 19 in Hollywood years], and lots of masculinity.

Oh lordie! Everything was about being a man on this ship! I mean, fist fights, dragging people through the cold ocean water, consummating sexual acts with foreign women, all-male orgies ... oh wait, that last one didn't technically happen I guess.

Mel Gibson prepared himself for his role as the mutinous first mate by learning to speak some Samoan and beefing up like he was the Rock. Anthony Hopkins turned in a brilliant performance as Captain Bligh of the doomed voyage to the South Pacific that turns out partly like "Pirates of the Carribean" but without the whole, you know, dead pirates cursed into zombieness, because of his cruelty towards the crew. All these other young trapping men: Edward Fox, Daniel Day-Lewis, Bernard Hill, Philip Davis, and a young, impetuous Liam Neeson.

Storywise, it was kinda slow and predictable, but the real action was seeing Mel Gibson get tattooed with traditional South Pacific tools, watching Anthony Hopkins sweat his nerves out while trying to delay consummating ritualistic sex with the chief's wife, and Liam Neeson getting lashed. Good way to spend a post-Thanksgiving night with the relatives.

This amazing claymation movie surpasses ALL expectations for an "animated" movie.

The most ambitious claymation movie ever features the talents of the amazing Steve Box and Nick Park with the voice talents of Peter Sallis, Ralph Fiennes, and Helena Bonham Carter.

Following Wallace & Gromit, the local crop pest exterminators [minus the exterminators part because they hold the bunnies in cells in their basement], as they search for a were-rabbit that came about from a failed experiment of Wallace's. Of course, hilarity and excellent claymation ensues. Although the story was a bit slow, the characters were well developed and the plot was laden with humor.

Another thing that really adds to the movie was it's realness. I mean, the characters' faces still had fingerprints on them! It was amazing to know that this entire movie was made literally BY hand. Although computers had some part in this movie, the creators got in there and literally got their hands dirty. Too bad the storage place for all of the "W&G" paraphenalia was burned to the ground in a fire! Definitely worth a watch! Beautifully done.

I have tried to make myself into one who does not fall into trends or fads without having a justifiable reason for doing so. Like, I love Mariah Carey because her voice goes into that range that only dogs and shatterable champagne glasses hear while creating everlasting torch ballads like "We Belong Together." But I'm not into her because she's sold a bazillion records. I also am not into I-Pods because for many people, especially in L.A., they are a visible representation of classism in action. If you can display your $300 I-Pod with your $100 carrying case and those BUSTED-ASS white headphones on your hip strutting like your walking down a catwalk, then people look at you like you just displayed a Vera Wang wedding dress. They KNOW you have money JUST BY LOOKING AT YOU. Yes, I-Pods are fabulous for those who have need for storage of music. But honestly? How many songs do you think these sorostitutes and Row Hoes really have on there? 100? Such a waste just to show that you have money. UGH. Every time I see those headphones my head threatens to explode like a marginalized atom bomb. And no, it's not envy, it's opposing the forces of evil affluence!

Anyways, this is a review of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." But I have never been caught up in the reading of the books or watching of the movies. I tried watching the first movie three times, but fell asleep EACH TIME. So I took it as a sign. But after watching "HPGF" ... WOWZA. Although I still have no desire to read the books or watch the previously-released films, this movie rox my sox.

Full of teenage angst, this movie infused a junior-high school spirit into the thus far decidedly elementary Potter profiles. Lots of first moments for the Gryffindor crew: falling in lust, fighting with your best friend, mixed dances where the music is not Barney-based, and fighting a dragon with naught but a wand. The story followed Harry and three other competing schools' representatives in the annual Triwizard Tournament. But Voldemort's [the Dark Lord and Harry's worst enemy] presence is nigh-palapable and his return imminent. With the many dangerous competitions going on throughout the movie, Harry's life falls into danger, while his best friends begin to fall in love.

All performances were excellent. Daniel Radcliffe as the fearless Harry Potter, Emma Watson as the intelligent Hermoine Granger, Rupert Grint as the affable Ron Weasley, Robert Pattinson as pretty boy Cedric Giddory, Stanislav Ianevski as the gruff yet buff Viktor Krum, Matthew Lewis as the nerdy Neville Longbottom, Brendan Gleeson as the frightening teacher of the dark arts Alasator "MadEye" Moody, Katie Leung as Harry's love interest Cho Chang, Ralph Fiennes as the noseless yet creepy supervillain Lord Voldemort, Michael Gambon as wise headmaster Dumbledore, and tons of other performances.

I didn't understand the Cho Chang thing in one sense but luvd her in another. What is with her name?! Was the author trying to make her as "Asian" as possible through her name?! I mean, it'd be like calling a white guy "John Smith." However, in the same sense, she was a strong character, full of life and not the subservient stereotype. Oh well, baby steps, baby steps.

All of the characters have grown up so much and gotten HOT HOT HOT. Daniel Radcliffe is still young at 16, but he has a six-pack?! What is that? Of course, Stanislav Ianevski and Robert Pattinson both sizzle as Harry's hotter, older competition. The real revelation, however, is Emma Watson, who blossoms into a beautiful young lady when she's revealed at a school ball. The Harry Potter crew is growing up so fast and I'm not sure they can still pull off being so young in the next movie. I mean, unless someone loses their virginity or gets pregnant and we see a mystical abortion or something, which would still make me want to watch the next one. Definitely worth a watch [and I watched it a second time REALLY STONED haha]

Despite all the negative attention this movie received for not being an accurate portrayal of geisha, the casting of non-Japanese actors in the roles, and the sporadic use of Japanese, this movie was still a remarkably beautiful, well-made movie. The entire time I just kept thinking that this book was a movie about Japanese culture written by a white man and the movie was made from that book by a white man. So most of the movie I took with a grain of furikake.

The Geisharella story of Sayuri [played by the nigh-mute Zhang Ziyi] who rises from a fishing village childhood to becoming the most beautiful, well-renowned geisha in all of Japan. From her transition as a [oddly] blue-eyed young girl who gets sold to a geisha house, beaten by her cruel and envious senpai [superior/upperclasswoman], Hatsumoto [played by Gong Li, who deserves an Oscar for her performance]. She eventually grows outside the life of a geisha after trying to run away too many times, but is placed in the care of a former pre-eminent geisha, Mameha, played brilliantly by Michelle Yeoh whose hair was too light brown and whose skin was too tan to be a geisha. Throughout her training, she returns to a chance encounter on a bridge she had with a kind, older gentleman played by Ken Watanabe. After playing cat and mouse games with her rival geishas Hatsumoto and her new protege, Pumpkin [WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF NAME IS PUMPKIN?!], played by Youki Kudoh. Throughout the sad, drawn-out film [more than 2 hours!], the transition of Japan through World War II and encountering Americans eventually leads to much conflict with her old, traditional ways of geisha and adaptation to the new American occupation.

The movie featured random bits of Japanese ["oneesan" for "older sister" , "arigatou" for "thank you" , "gomen kudasai" as an ultra-polite way of saying "I'm coming in" , and "Mite!" for "Look!"], varying levels of Japanese-sounding English, and many other little minor cultural details that sometimes stuck out through the movie like sakura blossoms against lacquerware. On the other hand, the movie was beautifully-filmed with cinematography that captured the beauty of the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena rather than in Osaka, Japan, but still displayed the beauty of selected parts of Japan and the geisha world. This movie will definitely not be forgotten come Oscar time [especially for Gong Li], but it is not necessarily an accurate representation of Japan's geisha realm.

For years and years, we in the GLBT community waited for a movie that would represent at least ONE of our stories with respect, love, and no stereotyping. Well, at the end of the year 2005, with gay marriage getting the axe in numerous states, the Pope issuing homophobic statements, and violence against homosexuals the highest it has ever been, the most beautiful, heartbreaking movie graced the screens of the Grove in Los Angeles, California.

Even though this movie only features two white guys and no other sexual minorities, this movie still grabbed my heart by the aorta, tossed it back and forth across a pit of lava, and finally crushed it underneath the impending feet of reality and fate.

Based on Annie Proulx's short story of the same name from her book Close Range: Wyoming Stories, this Ang Lee directed story is a classic love story. Although it's the story of a forbidden love, it's also the story of a passionate love. This romance is timeless, captivating, and poignant. And who cares if it's between two men or two cowboys? If you've seen the movie, then you know that, as the tagline for the movie explains, "love is a force of nature."

Heath Ledger turns in an Oscar-winning performance as Ennis Del Mar, a down-on-his-luck ranchhand who chances upon a sheep herding job up on Brokeback Mountain and is joined by Jake Gyllenhaal's affable Jack Twist for several months up in the beautiful Wyoming countryside. After getting to know each other through working together, they got to know each other even more intimately [READ: HOTT MANSEX BETWEEN HEATH & JAKE]. Although they each claim that they aren't queer and that it's a secret, one-time deal, the burgeoning love between the two men is as palpable as the tears welling up in my eyes throughout the movie. After separating for four years, they have each found a wife and have children: Ledger settles down with and knocks up real-life flame Michelle Williams' homophobic, ignorant character, while Gyllenhaal finds fellow rodeo enthusiast/entrepeneur Anne Hathaway's down-home country, oblivious Texan girl [she also bears her bouncing boobs, a plus for any straight guys or lesbians who were dragged to the movie]. They once again meet each other and share a passionate couple of times a year romance. I don't want to give away how the movie ends because not only should everyone [and yes I mean EVERYONE, straight or gay] go and see it, but it's too poignant. You MUST watch this movie! It is easily the best movie of the year, hands down, without a doubt ... and I even saw "Catwoman"!

The movie made me cry like a schoolgirl. At the end, one of the friends that I went with and I were just sitting in our seats silently crying. It's THAT good, people. If this movie does not win any kind of major Oscar I will be EXTREMELY sad and pissed off. All of the acting was amazing: very believable, never overacted, and completely heart-wrenching. The cinematography captured the beautiful scenery of the Wyoming Rockies. The story paid tribute to not only the struggles of gay people in a homophobic world [homophobic beatings, self-loathing] but the Western genre. The movie did not, in any way, cheapen the view that people have about Westerns, and in fact, I would personally say that it added a lot to the genre due to the exposing of Western homophobia and selected ignorance. This movie was never preachy, nor overwraught; never cheesy, nor Hollywood; never felt long, nor unnecessary. I just want to watch it again and again.

I could give a flying fuck if it's about two gay cowboys that could totally disrupt heterosexist imagery of cowboys as heroes. I could give a flying fuck if the actors are actually straight in their non-screen lives. I could give a flying fuck if the screenwriters took some liberties in transposing the script from the short story. I don't care. This movie broke my heart.

Although it was fucking awesome to see Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger get it on, it was so much more satisfying to know that this movie has impressed the majority of critics and perhaps the toughest critics of all, the fans. This movie touched a part of my heart and I will never forget it.

I have seen a bunch of new trailers for movies that are coming soon that I'm VERY excited about. Here's a quick synopsis of each one:

SUPERMAN RETURNS: Can you say, "SUPER-BONER"? Brandon Routh, the newly crowned "Man of Steel [ABS]", looks amazing and the film, which is being heralded by former "X-Men" director Bryan Singer, looks very classy.

AEON FLUX: Can you say, "LARA CROFT 2.0"? Although this movie may fall into typical scifi stereotyping, I just personally can't wait to see Charlize Theron kick some serious ass in this erstwhile MTV animated series.

MATCH POINT: Can you say, "BRIEF DRAMA"? Mix British hottie Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and American sweetheart Scarlet Johannssen with a pinch of adultery and a sprinkle of his boxer-briefed ass and you get recipe for a grade-A drama.

SOMETHING NEW: Can you say, "INTERRACIAL INTEREST"? Sana'a Lathan, a black careerwoman, is being pressured by her family and friends to settle down, to sow her seeds, if you will, and she does so with Aussie hottie Simon Baker.

KING KONG: Can you say, "PETA ALERT!"? The only other movie besides "Brokeback Mountain" that I'm DYING to see this holiday season. Although it's only a remake, it still looks visually amazing, and will still kill my ass for it's three hour length.

HOODWINKED: Can you say, "E: TRUE WOLF STORY"? This new animated movie by the Weinstein Co. claims to tell the true story behind "Little Red Riding Hood." Each of the characters that we've come to love are different in some way.

X-MEN 3: Can you say, "MOVIE ORGASM"? With the introduction of more characters than the first two movies COMBINED, this movie should be AMAZING. I am so hopeful for its success! Just some of the new characters are Angel, Beast, Callisto, Juggernaut, and PHOENIX! O. M. G. This movie is going to KILL me.

5. Musak

Mariah Carey got 8 Grammy nominations including Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Record of the Year, Best Contemporary R&B Album, Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance [for "Mine Again"], Best Female Pop Vocal Performance [for "It's Like That"], Best R&B Song, and Best Female R&B Vocal Performance [both for "We Belong Together"].

Other major nominees were Kanye West and John Legend, the former pair tied Carey with 8 nominees. Gwen Stefani, 50 Cent, Black Eyed Peas, and many others received multiple nominations. It's just amazing that John Legend received so many nominations! No one believed too strongly in him, but you know that "Ordinary People" is the SHIT 5000. Mariah's nominations are amazing, slightly unexpected, but still she's had a capital year! More commentary closer to the actual ceremony.

As if one singer in the family wasn't enough, K-Fed [Kevin Federline for those not in the know, or Mr. Britney Spears for those who don't give a shit] has decided that he will record an album of "hick-hop". There's a leaked clip circulating around the internet for a song called "Y'all Ain't Ready." And for a freeloading, erstwhile backup dancer with not just one, but perhaps TWO baby mommas [I guess he and Britney are now on a trial separation ... good job on that SHOTGUN wedding!], his stuff is really WACK.

I almost like it just b/c he's not the idiotic Vanilla Ice, but not the ultra-quirky Eminem. Eminem is versatile, Vanilla Ice is gone and forgotten, but K-Fed is going to be around only for the novelty. And I know I'm going to like his music, which is horrible of me b/c I would hope that I wouldn't.

The production on his song is excellent, and while I don't think I'll be standing in line behind no one to buy his album, I will prolly d/l it and not spend a BIT of money on it whatsoever.

I recently downloaded the new Chris Brown self-titled debut album. He's this 16 year-old wannabe Usher. He's got the impression down so good: the overabundant ego, the scrotum-crunching vocals, the aerobic dance moves. However, unlike Usher his album contains no pedantic, over-the-top sexuality, nor childish, under-the-radar vocals. He strikes the perfect balance of high school charm and innocence with grown folks RnB vocal stylings. He flaunts his first single, crunk-lite "Run It" with a guest spot from the sinister Juelz Santana, like his own Sweet Sixteen birthday party, celebrating his youth but parading around like jailbait. Riveting.

Recommended tracks: Run It, Yo [Excuse Me Miss], Gimme That, Is This Love, Poppin, and Say Goodbye.

I also recently downloaded Athena Cage's old 2000 album "The Art of a Woman." The former Kut Klose lead singer debuted with her album that received almost NO attention from radio, retail, and the general population. However, it's a slice of RnB heaven! Everything from her club hit "Hey Hey" that could rival any Destiny's Child track in sassiness, vocal prowess, and bootylishness to her beautiful ballad "You" that while it uses the admittedly cheesy line "The only thing that's missing in my life / is you" she still manages to carry it off with an amazing presence. For inspiration look no further than the track she contributed to the movie "Save the Last Dance", "All or Nothing." Truly, I don't understand why she received NO buzz and immediately found her way to the bottom of the sale bins. Just give her another chance, with a hot new single and an album to match the intensity of this one, and she could put Beyonce, Ciara, Ashanti, Brandy, Monica, and almost any other female RnB singer in the game rite now to almost complete shame.

Recommended Tracks: All of them.
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