Translation Potato October 2018 Edition
Arashi special cross talk
櫻井: On our 10th anniversary edition (November 2009), we decided a corner to produce something for the members. Let’s do some verification how far has it been realized.
All: Okay!
櫻井: The first one, Aiba-kun. You said ‘I’ll work on some musical project.’
相葉: Did I say it?? Oh my… I haven’t realized it (laugh).
櫻井: I personally think it’s okay.
二宮: I have no objection to that.
大野: You should do musical project.
松本: What kind of musical?
相葉: Nnnn (thinks seriously). Something like ‘West Side Story’?
櫻井: You said the same thing back then.
二宮: You have a strong attachment to that (laugh).
櫻井: The two of you (Ohno and Aiba) will play the original role, meanwhile we will substitute Kazama and Toma’s roles.
松本: It’s better if you play it with Kazama and Toma.
二宮: If we could, we want to do it as well (laugh). Right?
相葉: I’ve always mentioning it, but there’s no offer come to me (laugh).
大野: I want to watch it if you play musical stage play.
松本: Me too!
相葉: You always said that you want to watch it, but it’s kind of difficult to realize.
二宮: On the contrary, maybe it’s because only the four of us who want to watch your stage play, that’s the problem.
相葉: You’re right, only Arashi members who want to watch it (laugh).
櫻井: Next is Matsujun. Recently, I’ve been told to do some skit (laugh), maybe because I often wore a wig and did some gag on TV shows.
松本: Really? Come to think of it, we haven’t gotten a chance to do some skit recently.
櫻井: You said ‘I was a warai (joking) leader back then’ during our 10th anniversary edition.
松本: I think I’m still a warai leader now (laugh).
二宮: If he thinks that way, we have to admit it.
櫻井: He will broaden his skill from now on.
松本: He’s right, I’ll expand my skill from now on. Please don’t deny it (laugh).
櫻井: By the way, it’s ‘idol leader’ for Aiba-kun.
相葉: I didn’t say it.
櫻井: You did say it. What will you do? Do you want to cancel it? If yes, now it’s the time.
相葉: No, no, I don’t want to cancel it. I’ll do my best to become ‘idol leader’….yes.
櫻井: Matsujun said that he would make me a photos compilation. I responded that I want some buttocks included (laugh).
All: Laugh out loud.
櫻井: I’m prepared for that. On the opposite, I want to hear what everybody thinks about it (laugh).
松本: Come to think about it, none of Arashi member has released solo photo compilation.
櫻井: You’re right, we’ve missed the golden timing to release such thing (laugh).
大野: I’ll purchase it, if Sho-chan releases photo compilation.
相葉. 二宮: Yes, we’ll buy it.
松本: Me too, if you release it, four pieces are definitely sold.
櫻井: No, I told you, it’s not the right timing anymore.
相葉: Let’s wait for the right timing.
櫻井: There’s none left (laugh).
大野: What about Potato 40th anniversary?
All: Such an innovation (laugh).
櫻井: For Riida, I proposed you to host a talk show.
大野: Me? But if Sho-chan says that, I’ll try.
松本: Such a positive attitude.
大野: But, if I do it for real, I have to make a serious preparation.
櫻井: I think it’ll be the whole new thing if you start a talk show by asking ‘who are you?’ ‘what are do doing for a living?’ (laugh).
大野: You’re right, let’s do it.
相葉: Let’s do it.
櫻井: The last one, Nino. You mentioned that you want to do ‘Human Experimentation TV show’.
二宮: I wonder why I said that (laugh).
櫻井: Maybe because you’ve done a lot of things, there’s nothing left for you to do.
二宮: Got it, let’s do it then. Just come my way!
松本: He’s on fire, let’s do it for real (laugh).
櫻井: Now, everyone has agreed to do what they wanted to do. The inspection result of the target we set 10 years ago is…
相葉: Not that bad, I presume.
松本: We only did verification, is there any result as ‘not that bad?’ (laugh).
大野: Yes, of course.
二宮: If Riida says that, then the result is really exist. The ‘not that bad’ result.
Next corner is the quiz to guess members’ quotation during Potato interview a long time ago.
櫻井: Next is the quiz to guess members’ quotation. Let’s do it.
Q1: During the handshake event, my fans gripped my hand very strongly (January, 2000 edition).
櫻井: I think it was me.
大野.相葉: Then it’s Sho-chan.
Potato: It’s Ohno-san.
大野: Eeee?? Me?
櫻井: It was close!
相葉: What kind of respond was that? (laugh).
二宮: That was close to correct answer. If we look at the sitting arrangement; he could guess correctly by mentioning one more person.
松本: That’s not the problem here (laugh).
大野: Nnn, I don’t really remember it, but maybe there were many people who shook my hands strongly. That impression still remains.
Q2: I grew up in digital environment, but my heart is not made up by high technology (August, 2002 edition).
相葉: Cool (laugh).
大野: I definitely never said it.
松本: It wasn’t me either.
二宮: It must be Aiba-san.
相葉: Me? I wonder if it was me.
Potato: It was Sakurai-san.
相葉: That was close.
櫻井: That was close, you should have guessed more carefully.
二宮: That was also close.
Q3: I want to be ranked as ‘a good man’ in the girl magazine. I’ll do my best to achieve the target.
相葉: I know it. It must be Nino.
櫻井: I thought the same thing.
二宮: Really, then it’s me.
Potato: It was Aiba-san.
相葉: We didn’t get the right answer at all. Did I really say it?
櫻井: You said that it was your target, you still have chance to achieve it.
二宮: You’re working on it, right?
相葉: Of course.
松本: An ‘idol leader’ and ‘a good man’ rank. You must be very busy.
相葉: I’ll do my best.
Q4: I love myself. I love myself more than anyone in this world.
松本: Can you guess who was it?
All: No, (everyone shook their head).
櫻井: I think someone from the other group.
相葉: It was Kazama, yes.
二宮: You’re right, it was Kazama.
大野. 櫻井. 松本: Kazama, huh (laugh).
松本: We also talked about him during Potato’s 30th anniversary.
櫻井: It’s Aiba-kun’s deed. He always brings Kazama to the discussion (laugh).
相葉: Because he’s my friend.
櫻井: Does it mean the correct answer is a friend of a friend’s friend?
Potato: It was Ninomiya-san.
二宮: Me?
櫻井: It’s correct, isn’t it?
松本: Kazama and Nino have the same characteristic, what do you think, Riida?
大野: Correct.
二宮: Nice, we have one correct answer.
Q5: I love strong shower which is powerful enough to pierce my scalp (September 2001 edition).
櫻井.m: Aiba-kun.
相葉: I thought of the same thing.
Potato: It was Matsumoto-san.
All: Eee??
相葉: It was definitely me. I’ve always said it when I was a kid.
櫻井: If Matsujun takes a strong shower, his skin will turn red.
松本: It wasn’t me. I think Potato-san has mistaken it (laugh).
二宮: If Potato-san wrote it as Matsujun’s quotation, then we have to correct it now. It was Aiba-san’s.
相葉: Yes, it was me.
Q6: The dreams are far away; the target is in the middle of those dreams (June 2006 edition).
松本: What a difficult quotation.
二宮: It must be Riida.
櫻井: Perhaps it was Nino.
大野: Maybe it was me.
Potato: It was Ohno-san.
All: Ooo!!
松本: Was it a popular quotation or something? (laugh).
二宮: Maybe he found it at the front page.
大野: Perhaps I’ve seen it somewhere before (laugh).
Q7: Someday, I want to go to totoro Forest, I love totoro (September 2005 edition).
櫻井: It was me, I’m the only one here who loves totoro.
二宮: It was definitely Sho-chan.
Potato: It was Sakurai-san.
櫻井: Told ya.
松本: You love totoro so much that you drew it.
二宮: That monster.
相葉: Monster (laugh).
櫻井: We used it for our concert as well. I saw that drawing quite a lot. But perhaps, the real totoro is busy, so I can’t meet them.
二宮: Because it has to stay at the forest.
Q8: I recommended the title ‘Sasakure’ for our album, but it was immediately rejected (August 2005 edition).
櫻井: I remember that one (laugh).
相葉: It was me. Me! Nobody else would have said something like that (laugh).
Potato: It was Aiba-san.
松本: It would have been great that Arashi released an album called ‘Sasakure’. Something like bang!
大野: That was hard.
二宮: Everyone would have reacted ‘Eee??’
相葉: I’m sorry.
Q9: I know it’s not that cool to be on fire now; but when I finally find a principle in my life, then I’ll rely on it to live (January 2006 edition).
櫻井: That was a difficult thing to say.
相葉: That must be Riida.
松本: He’s responsible for quotation.
大野: Maybe I have seen that before somewhere as well (laugh).
Potato: It was Ninomiya-san.
大野: Oh, did you read it somewhere?
二宮: Yes, I did.
Q10: Sometimes I laughed because Sho-kun laughed, but I like it (April 2008 edition).
櫻井: Of course, it wasn’t me.
松本: It turns out that way.
櫻井: The ones who laughed because of me must me Aiba-kun or Riida.
Potato: It was Matsumoto-san.
二宮: That was close!
松本: I’m not even included in those two choices (laugh).
相葉: We could only get close to the right answer today (laugh).
櫻井: The result of this quiz isn’t that bad either, don’t you think so, Ohno-san?
大野: You’re right, it’s not too bad.
櫻井: We appeared for Potato’s 30th anniversary and now you invited us again, we’re very happy and we’re having good time. Thank you so much.
Potato: Do you have special request for our 40th anniversary?
相葉: The corner together with Kazama.
All: Laugh.
櫻井: Finally, the appearance of Kazama (laugh).
二宮: We can replace a member with Kazama and then look for the differences (laugh).
松本: I don’t mind if everyone is Kazama.
All: Laugh.
櫻井: The cover page for Potato will be KAZAMA.
二宮: Kazama’s photos will fill the whole pages.
大野: I’ll buy that.
All: Yes, let’s buy it.
櫻井: Please do him a favor.
credit to me
T.N: Too much sakumoto dose in this interview ((>.<))