Finals Week: 2; Me: 0

Jun 12, 2007 23:22

The only thing standing between me and summer vacation is a 6-8 page paper due at noon tomorrow.

After the stress of this school year--the late night yearbook deadline nights when all you could do was wonder if one book was worth all of the trouble, the countless proclamations of "I am so over this school thing," the parade of papers finished with a careless flourish just to get the damn thing over with already--the end is so tantalizingly close, I can practically taste it. And yet, I suddenly don't want the year to end.

At the end of the year, a lot of my friends are graduating and moving on to bigger and better things. At the end of the year, I will say goodbye to my roommates and move out of our off-campus apartment to move back home. At the end of the year, I will be one quarter away from an uncertain post-undergraduate world. When did the end sneak up on me like this? At times it seemed like the year was a continuous cycle of deadlines and class. Now, there's only one more task left.

For once, I am not procrastinating on a paper because I'm too lazy to write it. Instead, I'm holding off because I don't want to finish it. Funny how that works.

friends, school

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