Sometimes The Giver doesn't sound like such a bad deal

Jun 07, 2007 15:34

Today in film class, our professor gave the professionalization lecture in which she held our collective hands and confirmed the stark reality of how difficult it is to make a living in the industry. Really, most of the things she said weren't surprising or shocking. It's just scary to hear especially when you're one quarter away from finishing your undergrad education. My internal monologue during the lecture was something along the lines of "Hooooooly mother of pearl. I need a backup plan. Stat."

The rest of the class apparently felt the same way because during the break, most people tried to get a jump start on their networking by talking to everyone around them. The sudden burst of socializing would have been funny if it wasn't fear-induced. I just turned to Janet and said, "Jan, we need to make friends. Or, you know, friends other than the only other two people we talk to in this class."

This only adds to the state I've been in lately: being thisclose to graduating and being completely and utterly unprepared for life in which school isn't my main concern. There are so many thoughts of doubt and fear running through my head right now. Will I win the occupational lottery and get my dream job? Am I, Ms. Play It Safe, ready to take a chance in an extremely unstable professional field? Is working in the industry some pipe dream that I should just give up now before I really set myself up for failure?

I keep telling myself that I just have to get through finals first, and I'll take it from there. *head desk* Okay. I'm calm. Really. Maybe. Arg.


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