Spring Break, where hast thou gone?

Apr 03, 2007 01:05

The upside to going back to school after an extended vacation is that you usually feel rested, the memory of bumming around still fresh in your mind. At the moment, I feel prepared and even-dare I say?-excited for my classes. Maybe it’s because the end of the school year is so close, I can practically taste it. Alls I gots to do is get through the next eleven weeks for sweet, sweet freedom.

This quarter is also my second to last (if all goes according to plan) before graduating and my last quarter living with the Roomies. I’ll save lamenting about what I’ll miss about them and our apartment for later because I’m not yet ready to open those floodgates.

On a happier note, Spring Break was a glorious blur of bumming around and being on a random Friends kick. And then there is that pretty darn embarrassing story involving a co-worker, an abandoned parking lot, and a textbook example of “It’s seriously not what it looks like” that I’ll probably only share if under the influence of some sort of alcoholic beverage. Anyway, the week before last, I visited misspacific and darlingsaila in SD for a couple of days of fangirling…and apparently blackmail material-gathering. (Video of Kaia and me singing along to “Part of Your World”? What? I have no idea what you’re talking about.) Also, Bagel, Claudia, and I spent the night at Abie’s dorm on Saturday. ‘Twas very fun. It was the result of an exhausting plan of planning, excuse-making, canceling, lather, rinse, repeat, but it all worked out for us “Pickles,” the portion of The Kids with the shared boy problem.

In work news, my new job as Shift Supervisor is working out well. No disasters (yet *knocks on wood*), and my co-workers have assured me that I’m doing fine, so I’ll take their words for it. How well the shifts go greatly depend on the people who are working at the time, and I’ve been lucky so far. This Friday, though, I’m missing all three of my regular closers who I trust to work without me having to tell them what to do. I think my manager is passive aggressively punishing me for taking last weekend off. Instead, she gave me four closers with questionable work habits. I’ll only take a small amount of joy in using the phrase “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.”

And so begins yet another school quarter. The workload should be significantly lighter than last quarter’s. That solid block of classes from 11 AM to 5 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays looks like a fun time, though. Hey, at least I don’t have to take Silent Film Era again.

work, starbucks, friends

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