An Entry From Your Resident School Girl

Oct 19, 2006 00:00

Today, I nearly overslept for class when I reset both my alarm and my backup alarm. I heard Roomie get up, and when I looked at the time, I had 20 minutes before class started. I jumped out of bed, got ready, threw my stuff in my backpack, and was out the door before my still-asleep mind was fully aware of what was going on.

As I am apt to do when I experience something somewhat amusing, I shared the story in my IM away message:

so this morning, i slept through my alarm and made it out of bed and out the door in a record 5 minutes. only when i was halfway between the door and my car did i realize i could've just skipped class. damnit.

I kept the message up all day as I was in class and while I was away for Yearbook business. When I came back, I had messages from no less than three people (and one more as I was typing this entry) saying something along the lines of, “I never thought of you as one to skip class.”

The funny thing was that I couldn’t argue. They’re completely right: I’m really not one to skip class. Ever. (Well, there is the occasional time when I’m positive it’s okay to miss class, so I hesitantly do.) It’s amusing yet slightly disconcerting when you realize just how well people know you.

Ah, well. Back to paper writing I go. Three more pages! (It sounds like I accomplished a lot until you realize that the paper is only five pages long.)


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