“I put down a puppy. Twice. The same one.”

Oct 17, 2006 02:33

It’s my first paper of the year: a 5-page (read: relatively short) paper on the importance of militarism in relation to Japanese American workers in Hawaii in the early- to mid-1900s. It’s not even a difficult paper and I got a two-day extension yet I am having such a difficult time even getting a half-decent thesis down.

I woke up this morning fully ready to spend my Yearbook office hour working on my paper, but what did I do? Read the TWoP Project Runway boards as they debated whether or not [Warning: Spoiler alert!] Jeffrey cheated. (Personally, I think I didn’t, but that’s probably because I’ve always enjoyed his asshole-y snarkiness. But I digress.) Then, after grocery shopping, I was so wiped from staying up to semi-study for the test I had in the morning that I decided to take a half-hour nap. The half-hour turned into three hours, I got distracted by pretty much everything, and here I am. 2 AM with half of a thesis. Yay, me.

Moral of the story: It’s my fault that I won't get any sleep tonight or Wednesday night, and I completely accept that. This (old yet) high-larious John Krasinski/Rainn Wilson/Jenna Fisher/B.J. Novak interview is totally worth all of the distraction, though. I wouldn't have found it if I wasn't busy wasting time. No seriously, Office fans. If you haven’t seen it, please go if only to see John and Rainn’s improv skillz and the source of the quote in the subject line.

Alright. I’m giving myself an hour to get a thesis and an outline down before scanning over 500 pages so I don’t look completely unprepared for class tomorrow morning. Times like this make me torn between loving and hating college. Gah.

school, the office

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