“I’m freaking out about what’s ahead/Maybe I’ll just stay in bed…”

Sep 22, 2005 00:52

[ mood|
[ music| “Good Day”- The Click Five ]

Bullet points! Yay!

  • On Friday night, Susan called me and asked if I wanted to go see Just Like Heaven on Saturday. I hadn’t expected much out of the movie because I had read some terrible reviews beforehand, but who was I to pass up any movie with Mark Ruffalo? So after my nephew’s first birthday party, Susan, Susan’s little sister, Elieth, my little sister, and I went to watch it. My short review? Run-don’t walk-to your nearest theater because It. Is. Fantastic. Actually, there is a chance that you’d have to suspend a little morbid reality to really enjoy the movie, but it’s a romantic comedy. It’s supposed to be lighthearted. If you ignore the underlying RL controversy and focus on the hilarity and sweetness of the story, it’ll be worth it.
  • I’ve been debating whether or not to mention this because I don’t want to sound like a spoiled brat who gets everything she wants (which I don’t) from her rich parents (which they’re not), but I’m far too squee-y to care: last Sunday, my parents bought me a car. It’s a dark blue-“India Ink” to be exact, apparently- ’06 Toyota Matrix. To be honest, I didn’t actually pick the car. My parents have been talking about getting me one for a while now so I can drive home from Irvine during the weekends. Whenever they asked me what I wanted, I just said, “Whatever you want because you’ll be the ones paying for it. As long as it runs, I’ll be cool with it. Oh, and I want a color that hides dirt easily. Just let [my sister] pick it because she knows what I want better than I do.” So last week while I was at work, my parents and sister ended up at the Cerritos Auto Square [insert catchy “Take 605 to South Street, Cerritos Auto Square” jingle here], called me to go over there, and I drove home in a spangly new car. And I named it Squishy. =)
  • Our car salesman was this young Filipino guy who said I could call him Kuya Eric. Hee.
  • The Kelly Clarkson concert was supposed to be last Thursday at UCI, but Bagel, Bonie, and I didn’t find out until we got there that it was postponed until December. Poor Bonie was really upset about not getting to see her first concert, so Bagel and I cheered her up with our own rendition (and dance) of “My Heart Will Go On” in the middle of Mesa Court (my old dorm area). We ended up going to dinner and Barnes & Noble to cheer ourselves up. Even though we were disappointed by not being able to go to the concert-not to mention Bonie being doubly disappointed when I accidentally forgot she didn’t know anything about the whole MV thing and blurting it out-but it ended up being a really fun night out.
  • Spent the last few days transporting stuff from my house to my near-campus apartment. (I’ll post my contact info for there in a later entry just in case anyone is bored and feels like sending me-you know-cards, letters, a certain maybe-unemployed hot actor with the initials “M” and “V,” or stuff like that.) The apartment still looks pretty sparse so far, but what we do have is starting to make the place feel like a real home. I can’t wait until we get the couches in and start pretending that we know how to cook. And the best part? When I first went to the apartment on Saturday, nobody was there, but I found a copy of Monster-In-Law next to the TV, which means that they’ve already been introduced to the glory that is Michael Vartan. Roomie (from last year) is already an Alias watcher, but I’ll turn my two new roommates into Alias-aholics using MV as a bribing point. Fun indeed.
  • No matter how old I get, thunder and lightening storms will always scare the bejeesus out of me. It’s summer in Southern California for goodness’ sake. *shakes head*
  • Late yays to the Lost gang for the Emmy wins. Needless to say, those awards are much deserved. Of course, the first thing I thought when J.J. won Best Direction was “Yep, J.J.’s probably cherishing the fact that he abandoned stepped away from Alias for so long to do Lost.” Yeah, I know I sound bitter, but I’m not. Really. Well…fine. I’ll admit to a little jealousy ‘cause Alias is my first love. *shrugs* Seriously, though, kudos to Lost. That premiere tonight-um, technically last night now-was awesome. =)
  • Sooo about these new J.J. Abrams quotes from TV Guide’s Ask Ausellio…well, I honestly don’t know what to think anymore. I have said on numerous occasions that if the Spoiler That Shall Not Be Named turns out be one elaborate (and impressively huge) hoax, I’d be the first to forgive and forget all of the spoiler-induced heartache of the past couple of months. All I have to say is that J.J. better not be twisting words to make it seem like we’ll be getting more Michael Vartan than we really will or tantrums will be thrown. ;)
  • On Monday as I was sitting in rush-hour traffic on the way to Irvine, it suddenly hit me that the Alias S5 premiere is next Thursday. What really hurt my inner Alias obsesser was that despite all of this rumor avoidance, I honestly didn’t think about the approaching premiere until then. I remember counting down the days-hell, even hours-until the S2-4 premieres. And now? Can’t even get excited enough to remember the premiere date. *sigh* I need an exciting and/or hopeful spoiler or something.
  • actionvaughn! I know it’s my fault I haven’t spoken to you in so long, and I’m really sorry for sounding pushy, but I was wondering how our mood theme is coming along a-‘cause I have a friend who dies a little bit inside every time she uses her S/V mood theme, and I know an MV mood theme would restore some of her MV-lovin’ heart. I know you're busy with school, so let me know if you need me to do any cropping, picture hunting, etc. I won’t screw up this time. I promise. =/
  • School officially starts on Monday, and I’m honestly dreading it. I’m mostly dreading my Spanish class because I haven’t spoken nor written a lick of Spanish in two years, and even then, I was terrible. I’m about as bad at Spanish as Sydney is fluent in every other language. Yeah. It’s that bad.

I’ll most likely become the, um, computer potato I was this time last year once school starts. I’m not sure if the internet is connected in my apartment, though, so if I’m MIA again, that’s why. In any case, I’ll find a way to get online after the Alias premiere come hell or high water because I have a feeling I’ll need to vent/rant/squee/etc. then. Until then, I can be reached through my cell…although I can’t guarantee I’ll answer right away because I’m deaf to my ring tone for some reason.

Anyway, once again, I hope all of you are doing well. Happy One Week Until The Alias S5 Premiere Day!

michael vartan, roommates, concerts, lost, friends, alias, squishy, school

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