Yeah, I cried. Like a baby, actually. Did you honestly expect any differently from me? =P

Sep 29, 2005 23:40

[ mood|
discontent ]
[ music| “Dirty Little Secret”- Sarah McLachlan]

Yes, I know I’m being a complete masochist by listening to “Dirty Little Secret.” Sue me. (And BTW, over the past couple of hours or so, I’ve gone from “emotional wreck” to “anger,” so don’t mind me if I sound pissy. It’s the “special time of the month” hormones, I swear.)

  • All of the new names in the technical credits (writers, producers, etc.) make me nervous, and I’m not sure why.
  • I couldn’t have been the only one whose heart jumped every time Sydney said, “My fiancé.”
  • When VG appeared, I did a little girly clap.
  • Nice callbacks. The only one I can remember at the moment is Marshall’s “We do lunch,” and I giggled myself silly when he said it.
  • Vaughn’s story of what he was about to tell Syd was so neat and tidy that I was actually looking for unexplained holes just to assure myself that this was, indeed, Alias.
  • Yeah. No idea what that Prophet Five is. I stopped paying attention when that guy started explaining it.
  • Oh, Rachel Nichols. I don’t even know your character, but I already think she’s a bitch. Not a good start.
  • Never has en episode made me half-cover my eyes and scream, “Oh, noes!” more than this episode. Way too many close calls-mainly because I was expecting Vaughn to get shot at every turn-for comfort.
  • I enjoyed the Capetown mission. JG covering her stomach with the red wrap and the use of the waltz because any other dance would put her stomach in the way were hilarious. Speaking of the waltz, the exchange between Syd and Vaughn was cute, but I couldn’t help but say, “But you’re not going to get married. *whimper*” [ETA: I just remembered, but if I'm not mistaken, the waltz song was "Once Upon A Dream" from Cinderella. For some reason, I thought that was cute.]
  • I wasn’t sure how Vaughn would find out about Syd’s pregnancy, but her telling him right before they were about to jump was perfect. (Side note: The look of surprise and quiet amazement on his face was adorable.) Now that is how a spy tells another spy she’s pregnant with his child.
  • The scene between Syd and Vaughn in the car was very well acted, IMO. Sure, in the back of my mind, I was pretty uncomfortable about Michael Vartan talking about “their” baby with Jennifer Garner, but I was able to ignore it for the most part.
  • I wish I avoided those damn spoilers beforehand because as soon as Vaughn got out of the car without Syd, I started looking for snipers.
  • Okay, so Vaughn was shot-how many times?-two dozen? And his surgery went well enough that he could have a pretty solid conversation with Syd so soon after? I mean, I appreciate that they were able to talk before he, well, you know, but come on. I can only suspend reality so much.
  • When Syd was in the waiting room, how was she not a fucking emotional wreck?! *ahem* Sorry.
  • Isabelle Bristow Vaughn? Excuse me while I melt from happiness. At least Vaughn was able to decide on a name for his baby girl, which the baby obviously has to be now because what a waste that gorgeous name would be if it wasn’t a girl.
  • Every time Vaughn says, “I’m sorry. I’m so tired,” he effing flatlines (see: 2x06 ‘Salvation’). As soon as he said that, I braced myself for the inevitable beeping noise. On a slightly happy note, I loved that Syd was so sweet with him in the hospital. And some of Vaughn’s last words were “I love you”! *melts*
  • Okay, I’ll take the excuse of Sydney having such a mostly non-reaction to Vaughn dying to Sydney being numb and not because JG was doing an awful acting job. Actually, I’ll take the denial route and say that those looks exchanged between Syd and Jack mean they have something up their sleeves.
  • To the music department, honestly, awesome job with picking Sarah McLachlan’s “Dirty Little Secret.” It’s just my luck that, although Sarah McLachlan songs generally make me sad, they picked the one song of hers that makes me cry Every. Single. Time. It’s my appointed theme song to The Time Traveler’s Wife, so hearing it during those final scenes made me want to curl up in bed and cry my eyes out.
  • As for the funeral, I understand that, for the sake of budgetary reasons, they probably couldn’t get a lot of people-say, Carrie Flinkman, little Mitch, or even more extras. I would’ve expected to see Mrs. Vaughn, but I guess the writers didn’t want to deal with the storyline of Syd meeting her.
  • So the time jump was used to accommodate the Belly. I kind of feel cheated that we didn’t get to witness at least some grieving. She had gut-wrenching sobs for Danny, but for Vaughn, the father of her child? Nada…unless, of course, he isn’t really dead…
  • Yeah. I’m not even going to mention too much about the preview for next week because it looks like such a snoozer that I’m actually excited to see next week’s ep of The O.C..

So overall, it was a pretty good episode. It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. Of course, at the end, the only thing I could think of-other than “WHY AM I MORE OF A FUCKING EMOTIONAL WRECK THAN SYDNEY?” of course-was “They only gave him one episode?!” And there was much depression and bitterness and a phone call from a crying Jessica.

Will I watch next week? For the most part, yes, but at the moment (and until I get confirmation from my own “little birdie” about a certain thing I probably shouldn’t be mentioning right now and, um, never mind), I’m finding it difficult to think of much that would keep me interested in the show. So I’ll watch and look desperately for that show I know and love. In the meantime, I’m whipping out my S2 DVD’s and re-reading this article because it took the words right out of my mouth.

This is where I should talk about the new school year and moving into mine and my three roommates’ new apartment, but frankly, I’m sleepy, and I still have a buttload of reading to do. No class tomorrow, though, so I can stay up as long as I want…as long as I get enough sleep to wake up at 9 tomorrow and be lucid enough to run a few errands and drive home so I can make my noon shift at work.

On that note, I’ll catch up with the flist’s reactions tomorrow because academic reading’s a-nagging. Night night, everyone.

alias (post-episodic), roommates

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