A day for yayness

Mar 07, 2005 18:09

First thing’s first: Happy One Year LJ Anniversary to me. =D Yes, one year ago, I finally succumbed to the pokes and prods of my friends who already had LiveJournals. It proved to be a good decision because over the past year, this LJ has provided a good source of time wasting (as Roomie and Grant can attest to because they always see me on it) and ( Read more... )

friends, fandom, school

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oldromantic March 7 2005, 18:24:35 UTC
Write the 25434508 SD-1 fic reviews I owe people especially oldromantic because she writes faster than I read

Take your time, hun. School's more important and you sound like you need to take a breather!

...and besides, I've got the next two chapters of Precious already written and I'm just holding them for a bit to string out the angst a little.
You can catch up anytime, and don't listen to the coaxing I give the other readers to leave me quotey reviews -- just read and enjoy, okay?

Btw, I loved the mental image of you going out for food and coffee in your PJ's!! :P How fun that must've been!!

~Em *hugs*


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