Attack of the bullet points

Apr 03, 2010 15:14

Oy. I'm apparently incapable of updating this thing regularly, so to save us all from awkward paragraph transitions, I'm resorting to bullet points again:

* I usually have a pretty good immune system, yet somehow, I managed to catch whatever cold/flu/OMGTERRIBLE virus was going around and was knock-down sick for over a week. I hadn't been that sick in years. Didn't remember that it ain't fun living on orange juice and Sudafed.

* PaleyFest Panel- Community: On the days leading up to the panel, my sister and I caught whatever cold was going around. She was sicker than I was, so she had to drop out at the last minute. Anyhoo, they screened that ep of Community where Joel McHale played pool naked. It was a hilarious ep that was made even funnier because Joel McHale himself was backstage hearing us oogle his bits on screen. The panel itself was very fun, even if Chevy Chase came off as kind of desperate for any kind of cheap laugh. Ken Jeong and Joel McHale were there, and that's all that really mattered to me. After the panel, I was going to just turn around and leave, but I was so close to the stage and the cast was already there signing autographs that I figured I would at least go and get a picture.

Chevy Chase and Ken Jeong were on my side of the stage, so I got their autographs. Soon enough, Joel McHale made his way to our side of the stage. He was so close to me that the only thought my clearly irrational brain was thinking was that I needed to do something to make the moment memorable. In the interest of full disclosure, I swear that for a second, I thought I should poke his boot that was right in front of me. Thankfully, I realized that was a ridiculous idea.

Instead, I had the bright idea of sending a picture to my sister showing her how damn close I was to Joel McHale. I blindly reached into my purse for my phone, practically shoved it in his face, and rambled, "I'm really sorry. This is for my sister. She's really sick and couldn't make it tonight." He just said, "That's going to be a weird picture." So, upside: OMG, Joel McHale talked to me! Downside: if he remembers me at all, I will always be that weird girl at PaleyFest who took an extremely close picture without asking. Second upside: Joel McHale looks pretty damn good in the stalker pic I took. Moral of the story: I always need a partner in crime at events to make sure I don't make a fool out of myself.

* PaleyFest Panel- Glee: They screened the first ep back, 'Hello' (airing April 14!). I won't give anything away--I'm sure people have already detailed the ep in other parts of the interwebs anyway--but I will say that it was a very good re-introduction into the show. It wasn't perfect, as Glee tends to be with continuity with stories, but there is some very interesting character development. I respect that, for the most part, the character motives are realistic and far less predictable than conventional TV dramas. As for the panel itself, the whole cast was there, save for Lea Michele. Jonathan Groff (of Spring Awakening fame, now filling the role of Rachel's new love interest on the show) was there to fill the void. As these kinds of panels usually go, the creator--in this case, Ryan Murphy--does the majority of the talking while the other producers and the cast sit there, looking pretty. It's kind of funny because, while I respect writers and producers deeply, I usually go to these things because I want to hear the cast talk. Surprisingly, they were dropping spoiler bombs left and right, most of which, as far as I know, hadn't been leaked even to Michael Ausiello, who is usually really on top of these things. Afterwards, the moderator barely said that he was getting the signal that they had to wrap the panel up when damn near the whole theater started bum rushing the stage. My sister and I sat tight for a little bit while the crowd calmed itself. Figuring that we weren't going to join the madness, I was heading to the exit when my sister declared that she wanted to meet Jonathan Groff. I saw that the right side of the stage where Jonathan Groff was wasn't too crowded, so I said we should just go there.

We made our way to the stage and managed to ask if my sis could take a picture with him. He very nicely agreed and knelt on the stage so he could be in the shot. And this is where the night got weird. My usually cool and collected sister completely started fangirling out. She got all smiley and shaky and forgot how to pose for a damn picture. In the first picture, she looked down. She exclaimed, "I wasn't looking! Oh, my God, I'm sorry!" Jonathan Groff was gracious enough to take another.

After that, we saw Kevin McHale making his way to our side of the stage. My sister suddenly asked me, "What's Kevin McHale's boyband's name? I want to yell it at him." I told her I didn't think that was a good idea. Of course, she whipped out her phone and Googled it anyway. When he got close enough, she yelled, "Kevin! I love NLT!" He chuckled a little and said, "Oh, thank you," but he pretty much didn't look happy that she mentioned it, which I think is hilarious. My sister pissed off Kevin McHale. Awesome.

Jenna Ushkowitz eventually came around to sign autographs. She looked super cute in her dress although the length and height of the stage were proving that it was clearly the wrong outfit to wear. Matthew Morrison came around to sign autographs, too, saying he couldn't take pictures with anyone because there were too many people. Cory Monteith was way on the other side, and I didn't feel like wading through the crowd for him, so we left, laughing all the way to the car about my sister's lapse into fangirling.

* Chuck: This show has always been pretty awesome what with the great humor and action and relationships and Zach Levi adorableness, but this season has been outstanding. It's become that show during which, if I'm alone, I'll totally punch the air during times of awesomeness and curl up in the fetal position with a pillow to muffle the fangirl squees/sobs/gasps. Also, it doesn't hurt that Zach Levi is looking all kinds of hot this season.

* The Sarah Jane Adventures: I don't really keep up with this show because, while it's delightful, it also tends to be a little boring. Ultimately, I broke my rule of watching all shows in order in favor of just watching David Tennant's episodes. When I started them, it struck me that this was truly the last Tenth Doctor adventure. And he wasn't all broody and emo like he'd been for the all the specials, so it was like seeing the real cheery, shouty Ten we hadn't seen since S4. By the end, the time Sarah Jane said goodbye to him at the end, I was a wreck: I frakkin' cried. I cried. I didn't even cry for Tennant's last ep! Speaking of which...

* Doctor Who: The new ep aired in the UK today. It's currently sitting on my HD, mocking me with its lack of David Tennant. I mean, I'm not writing Matt Smith off, as much as I'm afraid what Moffat will do to the tone of the show. Hopefully I'll be prepared to watch it by the time I get home from work.

the sarah jane adventures, david tennant, doctor who, fangirling out, glee, paleyfest, community

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