Update, update, update

Feb 24, 2010 01:44

Well, now. So much for regularly updating this thing. To be quite honest, it's not as though I have nothing to write about--the half-dozen unfinished entries are a testament to that. It's just the prospect of sitting down and writing isn't as appealing as it used to be, not when I have so little free time that I should be spending cleaning out my DVR (Ugly Betty? Check. Fringe? Check. Parks and Recreation? Check. Dollhouse? Um...I'll get on that.) or reading.

My internship is still going. The new intern and I get along like a house on fire (I've always wanted to use that nonsensical phrase), which is great because we amuse each other over Gchat as the work days get increasingly boring. The day always seems to go by faster when you have a partner in crime.

The job hunt is not going as smoothly. It makes me wonder how different my life would be if I'd accepted that job offer from my first internship. It was my first foray into the entertainment industry--a mere 3 months in, I was practically an infant. But it was a job with a supremely high maintenance boss who loved me but I couldn't stand. It was an opportunity that I turned down because I wasn't ready to sell my soul for a paycheck just yet. Of course, leaving that office led me to another office with a boss whom I absolutely adore and who loves me but doesn't really pay me.

I hate thinking of what could've been, but this rut I've been in makes me wonder if I should've just sucked it up and taken the job. Sure, I'd probably hate life, and I wouldn't have met all of the amazing people whose paths crossed with mine over the past year, and I wouldn't have been exposed to this many aspects of the industry, but I'd have a paycheck.

Yes, I' aware of how stupid I sound, yet I'm writing it out anyway. This is my state of mind, people.

Anyway. I've been filling my days with the aforementioned DVR watching and reading the Second Edition of Russell T Davies's Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale. I read the First Edition and loved it, so I'm pumped to read the additions. I don't fancy myself a writer--don't have nearly enough creativity or dedication to pull that off--but I am fascinated by the process of creating TV. The book is a very in-depth look into the mind of the showrunner who juggles three of the biggest shows on the BBC. Okay, two of the biggest shows. Not every idea's a winner.

Also, on Saturday, my sister and I are going to an acoustic Jason Mraz show. Hold on, I take that back. It's a benefit for spinal cord injury awareness that happens to have a full acoustic set by Jason Mraz, which...whatever. It's acoustic. No chance of any Nathan Fillion/Alan Tudyk sightings this time, I think, because the one's not in LA, and their trumpet player pal won't be there. Still, I'll keep my eyes open just in case. I need a new Facebook profile pic. That one I have with our Medieval Times knight who looked like the lovechild of David Tennant and Adrian Brody just doesn't cut it.

To keep with the grab-bag nature of this post, I leave you all with a video I've recently stumbled across--one of the best classic Late Night with Conan O'Brien clips to ever come out of the Walker, Texas Ranger Lever:

walker texas ranger

Mistifer | MySpace Video

starbucks, fringe, david tennant, jason mraz, doctor who, conan o'brien, internship

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