It's still Monday in my time zone, so...

Jan 25, 2010 23:39

 Happy, Happy Birthday to my dear sister, campjinx25!

Love you! I hope you enjoyed your birthday!

Today, my BFF Bonie and I took my sister and her friends to K1 Racing, an indoor go-kart place that is suspiciously close to our house even though we didn't notice it existed until last week. Bonie and I raced once then retreated to the sidelines so the kids could race a couple more times. Us oldies were tired after that one race. It was damn fun, though. We'll definitely go back some day. The only issue is that, afterwards while driving home, I had the urge to drive as if I was still in a go-kart. Not sure a cop would've bought that excuse if I got pulled over for reckless driving.

After that, we visited Pop Monster, our local artsy Asian store that sells adorable, useless crap a la Giant Robot in LA and topped off the day with a viewing of the modern-day classic High School Musical 3. If Zac Efron giving it his all and angsting out all over East High during "Scream" doesn't make your day, I don't know what will.

And no, I am not going to mar this happy post with the mention of She Who Shall Not Be Named, who broke her 6-month silence with me to give me belated birthday greetings on Facebook. And that the last time we communicated, we had a text message argument that ended with her asking me if I was going to give her money or not. Nope. Not going to dwell on that at all.

Speaking of MIA people, where'd you go, misspacific? Don't make me recruit the rest of Teh Posse to come find you because I will. Of course, that means I'd have to track down oldromantic, too. Two birds, one stone, then. If Alias has taught me anything, it's spy skillz.

my friends are batsh*t crazy, friends, family, birthday, high school musical, teh posse

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