Somewhere, this entry went horribly, horribly awry.

Jun 20, 2009 01:46

I swear this entry was 80% RL srs bsns talk, but I put on Thursday's ep of Attack of the Show in the background and caught the ticker headline saying that David Tennant and Russell T Davies are going to Comic-Con this year. Wait. Let me repeat that in a more appropriate tone: ZOMG, DAVID TENNANT IS GOING TO BE AT COMIC-CON THIS YEAR. Also, RTD. (Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm, Uncle Rusty.) And Julie Gardner, Rose/Doctor 'shipper extrordinairre!

As far as I know, Doctor Who actors aren't even allowed to do conventions, but now there's Tennant. In America. In my state. Judging from the way I'm fangirling out right now, this is not good news for neither him nor my dignity. I'm in such a state of excited shock that I can barely express the fact that he's made of sunshine and puppies and, if nobody checks me, I'll do something stupid in front of him like declare my desire to have his Scottish, epicly-haired babies. I wish I could say that, if given the chance, I'd have a long, intelligent conversation with him about Shakespeare (damn you, quillons for having something in common with him) or The West Wing (Note to self: Start watching that STAT) or something of the like. Alas, I might just say he made me cry in 'Doomsday.'

According to this handy dandy article that lists panel dates and times (leave it to BBC to be the most specific and detailed about when, where, and what their panels are so early in the game), John Barrowman will also be part of a Torchwood panel, Noel Fielding will be on hand for the Mighty Boosh portion of the Adult Swim panel, and the Being Human crowd will also be along for their own panel. So much BBC goodness, so little time.

Also, I'm going to steal David Tennant and keep him in my pocket. Whoever aids in my quest will totally get equal time with him. Just sayin'.

Thursday was eventful to say the least. First off, it was my parents' 30th wedding anniversary, which, knowing what they've been though, is staggering on so many levels. They're not too big on celebrating, though, so my sister and I got take-out for lunch and presented them with a fancy (read: not) print out of the old person porch swing we bought for them that hasn't yet been delivered. They were very happy, therby securing mine and my sister's Best Daughters Ever crown.

Work that night was thankfully shorter than usual due to construction crews having to come in and install new counters and an oven. A couple of the Kids showed up unexpectedly to visit and discuss our current issue (more on that later), so I caffeinated them and sent them to wait for me at my house while I closed the store. At home, we continued our discussion of the saga from my last entry, complete with two people joining in on speakephone at one point.

Since I last wrote about it, the situation has only gotten more dramatic and a little more serious, but now more of the girls are involved in the Brain Trust. We haven't yet employed the help of all 16 of The Kids, though it hopefully won't come to that. What we do have now is a good number of us talking it out, strategizing, and working through our growing frustration to do what's best for our friend, even if it isn't exactly what she thinks she needs at the moment.

If anything positive has come out of this situation, it's that I've realized how fantastic my girls are. Even if our schedules have kept us from being that up-to-date with our respective goings on, it's amazing to know that they'll sacrafice what little spare time they have to congregate, call, text, IM, write dissertations on Facebook to share with the others, whatever they can to figure out what actions are in our friend's best interests. While I've been that much closer to giving in and saying, "Fuck it. She's not listening anyway. Let her do whatever the hell she wants to ruin her life," it's good to know that I have a support group to fall back on to save my head from exploding in frustration.

To end on a happier note, I'm going to enlist your collective TV-lovin' minds. With summer upon us, most shows are on hiatus, Doctor Who airs whenever it bloody well pleases, and Mad Men is taking a little long to hook me in. Thus, does anybody have any suggestions as to what my next TV obsession should be? It doesn't have to be a full-on comedy, but a bit of humor would be preferred. And of course, prettiness is always a plus. Because I'm shallow like that.

david tennant, doctor who, fangirling out, comic-con 2009, being human, attack of the show!, my friends are batsh*t crazy, friends, torchwood

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