Because actual transitions are for the weak...

Jul 03, 2009 23:38

...I bring you bullet points:

* On a whim, I decided to check my UC Irvine e-mail on Tuesday, mostly to see if it even still worked. And what do you know--I found an e-mail telling me that my UCI ID expired that day. I've been out of that school for over a year now, and I haven't felt like a student in so long, but it was a sudden reminder that that chapter of my life is closed. It was humbling and just a little bit scary to know how quickly time is passing.

* Glee: Saw the new Glee ad the other day. So. Effing. Exited. Covering Kanye West's "Golddigger"? Genius. I don't care if I have to lie, cheat, or sing--I'm getting into that Glee panel at Comic-Con to see the new episode.

* Regina Spektor's Far: There's nothing I can say that will properly convey how lovely and wonderful and quirky and beautiful her music is. Instead, I'll direct you to her latest single, "Laughing With," and my favorite song from the album at the moment, "Eet". Just for fun, here's the video for "Fidelity," which will always remind me of Veronica and Logan on Veronica Mars.

* Another concert for the summer itenerary: If anyone asks later, I'll claim that I was caught in a perfect storm of an unusually robust checking account (payday), lowered guards (my God, I was exhausted that morning), and an Idol kick (following 4 American Idols and Alex Wagner-Trugman on Twitter would do that to you). I didn't wake up expecting to buy those tickets. I'd told myself before I wouldn't allow myself to be pulled into the Idol machine. Then, before I knew it, I was printing out the confirmation page. Long story short, my sister and I have a pair of terrible, awful nosebleed seats to the American Idol Tour at the Staples Center. Honestly? I cannot be more excited. Now instead of watching Kris Allen on my HD TV, I'll be able to see him as a tiny spec somewhere in the middle distance, the extensive gap between us inevitably causing me to confuse him with Adam Lambert or, say, Allison Iraheta. But at least he'll be live!

* Neil Patrick Harris Hosting the Emmys: This is great because 1) It's NPH, and anything involving him is automatically brilliant; and 2) At least when Pushing Daisies inevitably wins none of the awards they truly deserve, I'll have NPH to comfort me.

* Merlin: My sister and I caught this on NBC while flipping channels last week and decided to watch. Honestly, it wasn't all that great. I paid great attention in hopes of seeing what all the fuss was about. All I learned was that all that (unintentional?) Ho!Yay fandomsecrets talks about is 125% true. Really, either Merlin and Arthur need to get in on, or the actors need to realize they're relaying the wrong signals.

* To those who are curious about the dramatic friend saga I've been ridiculously vague about: it hasn't ended. Some of us have realized that this friend in question has been manipulating us to get what she wants. Option one is that she doesn't realize she's doing this. Option two is that she doesn't realize that we're a bit too smart to be taken for fools and I, in particular, am paranoid by nature and question everything anyway. Knowing her, it's the latter option. I keep going between being angry as hell that she's putting us through this, sad that it's happening at all, and confused as to where it all went horribly wrong. We'll see how this all plays out, I suppose.

To end on a happier note, and because it's Saturday for most of the US at this hour, to the Americans on my flist:

Happy Fourth of July! May your day be filled with family, barbecue, and illegal fireworks!

nph, merlin, american idol, comic-con 2009, glee, my friends are batsh*t crazy, school, regina spektor

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