*polishes off today's 409324098th cup of tea*

Apr 03, 2008 01:28

So I've gone and gotten myself sick. It started with a less-than-pleasant tickle in my throat that I convinced myself that I could walk off. Two days later, I'm pretty much a sniffling, headache-y, sore throat(-ed?) mess. I've been spending my neverending hours at work by chugging cups of Magical Sick Tea (read: mint tea) like my life depended on it.

Thank goodness tomorrow/later today is my day off. As much as I'd love to spend it in bed, whining about how awful I feel, though, I promised my sister I'd take her to the California Science Center. And damn if I'm going to let some cold stop me from going to the Science Center. I've been wanting to go back there for ages. Because I'm a nerd.

I'm determined to somehow kick this cold ASAP. For once, I have things to do and shows to watch this weekend. I'd rather experience it all without having my head in a cloud of cough medicine and aspirin. Torchwood S2 finale on Friday! Doctor Who S4 premiere on Saturday (much, much more rambling about this later)! A Saturday night off in which I can actually go out and have a social life!

And last but not least: Jason Mraz concert at the Troubadour on Sunday! I'm not going to pretend to be as excited as my sister, who is the biggest Mraz fangirl I know, but I'm still pretty damn excited. Excited enough to willingly stand in line for the show hours in advance, at least. *shakes fist at General Seating*

Now if I could only find that cure for the common cold I know the pharmaceutical companies are hiding...

starbucks, jason mraz, doctor who, concerts, torchwood

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