The Entry in Which I Get A Little Link Happy

Feb 07, 2008 20:04

Bullet points 'cause I'm incapable for holding a substantial line of thought for longer than 3 seconds:

* I'm supposed to be off until Saturday, but I did my old Assistant Manager a solid and agreed to take a shift at her current store, which happens to be down the street from my home store. I've never worked outside of my store before, but others do it all the time. I hear it's slower there, so we'll see how it goes.

* Went a little book crazy at Borders today and bought more books that I quite possibly won't touch again until I'm really bored in two years. In the bargain bin, I found Billion-Dollar Kiss: The Kiss that Saved Dawson's Creek and Other Adventures in TV Writing, an interesting-sounding memoir by a TV writer, and The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss. The latter I bought solely on the basis of loving the Who ep 'The Idiot's Lantern,' which Gatiss also wrote. I also bought The Thief of Time, which is apparently about a man who doesn't age and currently lives in 20th century London. The first line: "I don't die. I just get older and older and older." I'll be extremely suspicious if he falls for a young shopgirl.

* I've been called for jury duty next week. Fully aware of this, my boss also scheduled me for 35 hours I may not be able to work next week should I be actually called in for jury duty. The hell?

* Best Writers' Strike Distraction: The Conan O'Brien/Stephen Colbert/Jon Stewart Huckabee feud. Three of the funniest late night hosts. One amazing way of killing time sans writers on three different shows.

* I've been watching Extras--which is very good, BTW--and who did I see making out with snogging Orlando Bloom in the S2 premiere? Sophia Myles. First David Tennant, then him. Lucky girl. (Minus DT apparently breaking up with her out of the blue. I'd imagine that part ain't so fun.) She reminded me that I kind of wanted to watch a little more Moonlight. Her American accent makes me chuckle.

* My Who flist filter has gone a-splodey with Doctor/Rose happy. doctor_rose_las alone should keep me happily busy for days (no smut pun intended) with fic. And tw_babiez! I will read that one very, very slowly to savor the awesomeness.

* Oh, my goodness, guys. Just when I thought I couldn't get any more fangirly over a piece of Who merchandise, they come out with an affordable replica of the Fob Watch from 'FoB'/'HN'. Sometimes I wish I lived overseas just so it wouldn’t be this difficult to spend my disposable income on merchandise.

* Think 'Doomsday' broke you? Lord knows it turned me into a quibbling emotional mess for days. Well, it turns out there was a TARDISode that was (somewhat thankfully) never filmed. Because I wasn't enough of a basketcase after that episode. I needed an extra scene to descend into a pit of despair with the Doctor, too. Yes, that episode still stings a bit to watch. Can you tell?

* Sure, this counts as one bullet point: Torchwood: 2x04- 'Meat'

- Finally! Jack is hitting on everyone with a pulse again! Now that's the Captain Jack we know and love. Sure it would've been tiring if all we saw of Jack was flirting, but a little bit every once in a while never hurt anyone.

- Speaking of Jack, when did he get so hung up on Gwen? I'm surprised Ianto hasn't said anything because he's usually in the same room when Jack stares at Gwen all intense-like. Unless he and Jack really are just each other's booty calls with nothing emotionally substantial behind it.

- Oh, Tosh. You deserve so much better than Owen. Ah, well. Can't help who you fall for, I suppose. At least he isn't such a godawful prat anymore.

- It's official: I love Ianto. I used to love him ironically when he was all hilariously emo. Now, I just plain love him. Hopefully we'll get an Ianto-centric, emo-less episode soon.

- Rhys and Gwen, blah, blah, blah, fishcakes. I like Rhys. He's nice. Gwen's cool, too, except when she gets all overly emotionally involved. But together? And when they focus on their relationship? I can't bring myself to care very much. Okay, Gwen's the one on the team with heart and that she's the only one with an actual life outside of work. Yeah. I get that. Bring on the aliens already.

- I don't know who's been doing the trailers lately. Whoever it is, they deserve a raise. That trailer was intense. My theory? That kid somehow makes the team trade personalities. It looked like Owen turned into Tosh there. Although Tosh doesn't look as geeky as they made Owen look. Not that I'm curious enough to seek out an episode summary to see if I'm anywhere near the mark, of course. Tune in next week when my theory is blown out of the water.

Now that ended up far longer than I intended.

moonlight, starbucks, doctor who, torchwood, randomness

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