Mar 15, 2009 16:52
A la Edmund Rostand play I had to read in 7th grade.
When she's texting a guy, Tegan's always like "Caitlin, what should I SAAAAYYYY to him? Tell me something funny! What do you think he'll say back?"
It's not only with talking to guys, either. Anything. "Do I look fat in this? Should I wear these? What do you think of these? Do you think I"m pretty? Should I talk to him on Monday?"
And not that I don't appreciate the respect she has in my opinion, but I'm rather tired of her always asking my advice.
Then she gets all mad when I give her a joking answer. Like "AAAAAAAA you never give me straighfoward responses!" so I have to reply "YOU ask me the same questions over and over!"
Uh okay the connection was just lost.
Last night I had a dream that I was being chased through a forest by this scary goat thing. It looked like the daughter/dad from the Little Amsterdamm comic story in Comic Book Tattoo. And it was creepy.
I hate when I dream about being chased. And I'm never ever caught. I'd kind of like to know what "being caught" would feel like even though it seems scary.
I'm also mad at her for creasing the spine of The Fountainhead. It's a paperback. She like took it and pulled it flat open at the middle and was like "AHHHH WHAT IS THIS?" and I smacked her because now there's this line on the spine that goes right down the middle. You can even feel it and now I feel like I can't read it anymore because of that thing. Not this copy, anyway. It's not even my book, and it has been made un-perfect already and I'm angry. Ugh she ruins everything. I'll see if I can switch it with a different copy that I will NEVER LET MY SISTER TOUCH. EVER.
So. The Fountainhead. And maybe it's just because I haven't read a good book in a REALLY long time but I like it a lot. Like, everything about it so far. Maybe I'll start posting my 'reading journals' that I have to write about it because I think it's such a good book.
I love the characters. I think characters are the best part of a story. I've JUST been introduced to Peter Keating and I almost feel sorry for him. He's like this guy who's traditionally brilliant (you know, unlike Roark's more eccentric brilliance) and he's all "People WILL know me, fame is near" but then he's really doubtful of himself. Like, that part with his whole monologue on the Beau Arts scholarship vs Guy Francon was really... weird.
I need to read more but what Tegan did to the book is really, really bothering me.
books: the fountainhead,