It was yesterday evening.
My excitement? Dead. Dead like dirt. Dead like roadkill. Dead like the soul of a vampire.
Or something.
You see, the turnout for this orientation was way more than last year, but half the reason I even went was to get a schedule.
Teanna and I excitedly skipped up to the tables, and were handed official-looking envelopes. We went back to this bench where Ali was sitting and were like "Let's open it together!"
Boy, were we suprised.
Instead of a schedule, we got another survey for elective choices, and some information about the new weekly schedule, and some blue sheet I never did read.
Imagine our disappointment.
After that, more people started showing up, and we went to hang out outside where we could scope out the new kids.
There was this guy who had a little beard thing, and was really tall, and I pointed to him and was like "Hey, Ryan, do you think that guy's a kid or adult? Cause he's dressed like a kid, but he has facial hair..."
There was this guy with skinny jeans and a belt loop chain and blonde hair neatly gelled across his forehead to one side. My friends giggled about him, though I don't remember why.
Then we went upstairs to learn about the Land School trip, the new schedules, and whatnot.
We have a new math teacher this year, too. I don't remember his name but he's bald and was wearing a minty green shirt today under a minty green and purple diagonal striped tie. He reminded me a little of Professor Quirrel in Harry Potter, after he unwinds his turban and before he turns around.
To Ryan (who was next to me) I was like "That tie was not a good choice with that shirt."
"I don't think he gets that the teachers at this school don't need to dress fancy," he says.
And we giggled until Tami glared at us.
We also have a new government teacher. I'm pretty neutral about her. But her boobs are huge! they kept making me laugh for stupid reasons!
Sam the Art Teacher was back, with a haircut, and making all the parents and new kids giggle at his little quips and stuff. I tried to resist laughing.
He told us about ~THE LAND SCHOOL~ which, this time, does not sound as cool as the last.
This whole year, in fact.
It seems like there's this whole brand new focus on micro-economies and business and stuff. When we go to the land school, we're going to be making products and when we go back to school we're going to sell them. Of course the only people who will buy them are the parents.
It's all some intricate fundraising gimmick, I'm sure.
Then for actual lessons and stuff we'll be doing that thing where we read our tags and find what country they were made in and figure out what they had to go through to get to where they are now.
Didn't we already do that? Yes.
Now that we're done with what sucked, I can talk about some things I'm a little excited about.
Base Groups: Yes, we have them again. "Base Groups" are a group of three, two new kids/freshman and one sophmore, that does projects and stuff together. It's like a team in Naruto or something. We had them in Junior High, and before they were just a junior high thing, but apparently now we all get them! I'm excited to see who will be in mine.New Groups! In general. Last year, they had this thing where they split us into four groups (earth, air, water, fire) and we spent all of our core classes (government, writing, science, study hall/math) with those same people. Do you know how obnoxious that gets? It's alright if you have friends in your class, but it is most certainly NOT when there are people there who are always annoying and it's like you can't get a break from them until after lunch.
Well, now that's changed. Now each class will have different people. Like in NORMAL SCHOOLS....I can't help it, I still want to go to the land schoolthat whole "proving myself" thing I was talking about last time? Yeah, still looking forward to that. At least a little.I just really want to be able to be around people again.Because being with my friends was fun.
And it doesn't look all that bad.
eta: Oh yeah, this kid I went to school with in 4th and 5th grade, Julian, he's going to my school again now. And my friends kept talking about him and I was like "Dude. C'mon guys. I knew that kid. Tone it down."
But I can't tell if he knows who I am or not. Probably not.
And that guy with the facial hair? He's in my grade.