i thought it less like a lake and more like a moat.

Nov 07, 2006 11:47

so last night vanessa and i saw death cab for cutie/ ted leo and the pharmacists at constitution hall in washington d.c. and it was by far the best show i've seen this year if not one of tghe best i've ever seen. anyone that knows me knows i've been waiting YEARS to see death cab live and have just never had the opportunity. seriously, this was on my list of shows to see before i die. (weezer, check. death cab, check.) which i know sounds really nerdy, but shut up ;x all i know if that if there is ever, ever, ever another chance to see death cab - i'm so there.

from the beginning v and i were a little worrried about the energy of the show (it was a lot of teens, the theater is seated and sorta stuffy) but ted leo managed to rock out even though the theater was practically empty and we were the only people who seemed to know any of his songs (and yes, he did play 'where have all the rude boys gone?' and 'timerous me'). we were satisfied but left wondering what was up with his ghostbustersesque army green jumpsuit. oh well.

because i'm super nerdy and camped out at my comp for pre-sale tix, vanessa and i were in the 13th row, on the side with bed gibbard (!) to our delight he shook his ass the whole time and had amazing energy. kicking off with 405 was a plesant surprise and i couldn't believe how many times the group dipped into their older albums (as seen below from the set list). chris walla was wearing a 'vote' shirt. appropriate with the election the next day and the washington setting (when i came home last night i even had a message from him, ha, in my e-mail telling me how important it was to vote). the set itself was simple. a backdrop of what looked buildings set on black. some individual lights that resembled really big icicle lights hung over that. the lighting changed with the songs in blues, violets, greens and reds.

my only wish? that they had played 'bend to squares'
my biggest surprise? hearing 'president of what'

i called it from the beginning that the encore was going to be 'i will follow you into the dark' vanessa predicted 'marching bands of manhattan' obviously, we were both right. during those two songs, there was a sea of camera phones and cameras recording what they could and taking photos. 'follow you' featured ben's solo against a blue lit stage... 'tiny vessels' is one my of fav dcfc songs and i was so excited to hear it, despite its gloomyness. but ultimatly closing with 'transatlanticism' was the best choice ever. its just such a good closer, long, and leaving you wanting so much more of ben at the keys.

death cab for cutie setlist:
1. 405
2. Your Heart Is An Empty Room
3. Why You'd Want to Live Here
4. The New Year
5. Crooked Teeth
6. Title and Registration
7. Summer Skin
8. President of What?
9. Photo Booth
10. Movie Script Ending
11. Company Calls Epilolgue
12. What Sarah Said
13. Brothers on a Hotel Bed
14. Expo '86
15. Pictures in an Exhibition
16. Soul Meets Body
17. Sound of Settling
18. I Will Follow You Into the Dark
19. Marching Bands of Manhattan
20. Tiny Vessels
21. Transatlanticism
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